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HDD recording problem after firmware update

The firmware update v6.6053 (11/23) from Android 9(P) to Android 10 (Q) has caused problems with HDD recording on our Sony KD-49XH9505. The software update to PKG6.5076.0635EUA in January 2021 solved the previous HDD recording problems and had worked until this latest update.
The symptoms with this latest update are different and include:
  1. Failure to record programmes set on the timer
  2. Loss of recorded programmes 
I have, of course, tried all the usual steps of resetting the TV, unplugging the TV, checking the update has been installed and that there are no other updates waiting to be installed. The aerial signal strength is 100% and we have not suffered any power cuts, the problems are the same whether or not the TV is being used to watch another channel whilst recording. Other than installing the software update no other changes have been made to the TV, aerial or hard disc.
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