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A5000 timelapse skipping and not able to get video off camera


A5000 timelapse skipping and not able to get video off camera

so, i eventually managed to download timelapse onto my camera and now when i set it to take a timelapse for every 2 seconds it takes like 500 photos but then when i play the timelapse it only shows me every 10 photos.. why is this?  and is there any way to view the ful thing? i dont see the point in setting it to every 2 seconds if its only gonna show me 10 seconds and makes my timelapse very jumpy and like its skipping through it. 


also, in order to get my timelapse off my camera do i NEED to have a PC or laptop to get it off? i bought the camera in the hope i could get tehm all straight onto my ipad and edit the videos and timelapse but ive never been able to and its very frustrating if i have to now go and buy a laptop or PC just to get my videos off it.