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Disappointing sharing options on Nex5R

Disappointing sharing options on Nex5R

Got my 5R today, and exploring the features. I got the apps downloaded, but the sharing app is really disappointing.

Supporting only Play Memories (which didn't work for me, constantly telling me that it "Can't connect to PlayMemories ONline", despite having a perfectly good Wifi connection on the camera and a registered account). I don't have, nor do I want a Facebook account.

Surely Picasa/Google+ support is pretty much required these days no? No FlickR either??

Looking at the apps, they don't seem to be that actively developed. Have I bought into a dead ecosystem with the NEX line? I really hope not... It seems like the app format is closed with only Sony making apps if they can be bothered.


As usual for Sony products, it seems the functaionality is always destroyed by the absymal software.

I gave in and created a facebook account on my PC, and tried to connect the camera up to that, guess what. Predictably, that failed too... It hung after entering the login details... (see attached picture)

Testing my previous compact camera, a Samsung DV-300F, with Wifi and it works just fine to both Facebook, Picasa, FlickR, and can I also email pictures too. This is a 1yr old camera that costs 1/4 of the price of the NEX5R, and Sony should be REALLY embarrassed by it's almost universal software failures (the only line that seems to get it right is Playstation). Having owned a Sony MP3 player (Sonicstage, Conect were both disaster zones), a Sony e-Reader (The Reader PC software alwways have been totally horrific and clearly written by someone that doesn't quite understand the product), it seems he camera range is equally being under supported.

Why is every Sony product always massively let down by it's software support (or lack of), and who is responsible for testing all this stuff that doesn't work.....

Time to stop outsourcing and invest in development and TESTING......

Message was edited by: ZumbaChumba