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Lens Adaptor Rings to take different lens???

Lens Adaptor Rings to take different lens???

Does anyone now if you can buy an Adaptor Ring or something similar so I can use lenses from other cameras?  I have a 4 SLR cameras and have about 9 different lens for them - 3 telephoto plus others and I would like to know if I can buy something so when my A350 works again I can use them with it - or is this just wishful thinking?

Many thanks for your help


Message was edited by: angleseyartefacts

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Hello anglesetartefacts - Welcome to the Sony Forums :slight_smile:

When you see the 'Camera Error' message, have you tried taking the battery out for a few minutes and then putting it back in to see if this solves the problem? If it still keep happening anyway, this may indicate an internal fault within the camera that needs to be checked out.

Although your exact repair options will depend upon the length of time that you have had the camera, i would recommend getting in touch with Sony Customer Services to find out the best way forward with this. Their contact details can be found in the following forum thread:

Having said this, it was a good idea at your end to also contact a local camera repair centre as I always suggest ringing around for a few quotes if a physical repair is necessary.



Many thanks Simon - after taking the lens on and off and blowing it out with a can of air I can now use half of the settings on the camera, which makes it slightly useful! Still getting Error Messages though on the rest of 'em 😞 Will be taking it round the camera shops tomorrow and see if it can be repaied after all its only just 3 years old.

Anyway, does anyone now if you can buy an Adaptor Ring or something similar so I can use lenses from other cameras?  I have a 4 SLR cameras and have about 9 different lens for them - 3 telephoto plus others and I would like to know if I can buy something so when my A350 works ahgain I can use them with it - or is this just wishful thinking?

Many thanks for your help


Hi Angie :slight_smile:

You can adapt a surprisingly large number of lenses to Sony alphas, but how well they will work does depend on the brand and especially the age of the lenses you're hoping to use. 

Like all alphas, your camera uses the Sony A-mount, which was developed from the Minolta a-mount. This means a good many older Minolta lenses are compatible in some way without an adaptor, as are a number of 3rd party lenses form the likes of Tamron and Sigma, with the use of their A-mount adaptor rings.

Autofocus is the hardest thing to get working: the further from being a native Sony A-mount your lens is, the less likely it is to autofocus, and because AF systems have developed so much in recent years, only relatively recent lenses will work as well as your Sony one. However if you're happy to manually focus it does open up your options considerably.

There's a great website here with a searchable database of compatible gear. If you find that confusing or still have doubts, let me know and I'll do my best to help out.



Many thanks Mick. I think I may have confused myself 🙂 I have a huge variety of Konica Minolta  lens which fit  X300s - Zoom, Telephoto Macro about 9 in total and I remember reading about something (rings) you could buy which meant you could use other lens which were smaller or larger - I think they were in a very old Japanese magazine..

I have tried to see if some of the other lens (they come from at least a 10 yr old Minolta) would fit the Sony and they are all too small, conversely I have two lens which are too big, but I have never been able to use those on anything.

I am beginning to think I "thought" all this up, as I have spoken to folk in a few camera shops and they say "Yes there is something" but whether they are saying that to shut me up I dont know!

I have tried the website and apart from seeing a few more items I could spend my money on have I absolutely no idea what I am looking for and if it exists or whether its all in my feverish imagination, and if these Adaptors arent available - then why not!!

There are loads of adaptors available and I agree, it is confusing :thinking:

You need to Google search for an adaptor for each specific lens you'd like to use. All you need to know about your camera is that it's a Sony A-mount, the model isn't important. You may find some functions of the lens won't work, such as autofocus or automatic aperture selection, but on the plus side these adaptors are often quite simple and not too expensive.

All this is worth experimenting with if you have a favourite lens, but maybe not if you're simply looking to expand your lens options; for the relatively small extra cost involved, you may well be better off considering a new lens.

