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sony are "LIARS"


sony are "LIARS"

Have bought a sony a6000y, filled in the form for the cash back, supplied sony with the receipt, and they are refusing to give me the cashback saying it is a paypal receipt, not a receipt from the vendor. IT IS A RECEIPT ! IT SAYS RECEIPT ON IT ! 

Canon have always accepted paypal receipts and not argued, just paid me what they promised. sony by refusing to pay me are in my eyes going back on a promise. I bought the 6000 to try it, if I like it I am going to replace all my Canon gear, including a 5d MkIII, a 7d MkII, 24-105 F4, 70-200 F2.8, 100-400 F4 , and much much more...

Because sony refuse to give me what they said they would I am going to sell the 6000, and stick with Canon, a reputable company.

As a professional photographer, and tutor to schools, camera clubs etc, I quite often get asked about my gear, what would I buy right now if I could, etc. From now on I will start by saying I would NEVER buy another thing from sony because...

Maybe it's only £50, actually I have lost £50 sony have lost thousands from me, and REALLY BAD feedback and word of mouth from me at every opportunity...

Disgusted customer, 

PS the cameras rubbish too, posted on here before about turning off the back screen to save on the miserable battery life and got no joy from that


Accepted Solutions

Hi Normanski4ash,

welcome to the Sony User Community Forum..


did you get a reason why your claim was rejected.?


have you checked that your claim falls within the offers terms & Conditions which are available here..


Points 5-11 are listed below of which 5, 8 & 10 seem very specific..


View solution in original post


Sony really do need to do something about this. This receipt sounds genuine so where is the problem. Let them post their response and their reasoning on the site for all community members to see.

"Let them post their response and their reasoning on the site for all community members to see."


Nice idea but Sony do not respond to community posts.

Yes, Sony generally have next to no response. Customer services do not exist in the Sony remit.

Paypal is a Method Of Payment, as is a credit card payment, brank transfer payment or cheque payment. So bank statement and CC statement may be evidence of payment but none of these are receipts from the vendor. Sorry but I disagree with you. Get a receipt from the vendor and put this to bed.

Hi Normanski4ash,

welcome to the Sony User Community Forum..


did you get a reason why your claim was rejected.?


have you checked that your claim falls within the offers terms & Conditions which are available here..


Points 5-11 are listed below of which 5, 8 & 10 seem very specific..


You say amongst other things - “As a professional photographer, and tutor to schools, camera clubs etc, I quite often get asked about my gear, what would I buy right now if I could, etc. From now on I will start by saying I would NEVER buy another thing from sony...” 


I am amazed that in your position you would seek to influence others, esp young people in schools, in selecting what photographic hardware brand they should buy. What makes you think you know best as to what others should buy to suit their requirements and dare I say their budgets? I would not see that as tutoring in photography but rather as choosing to promote manufacturers hardware but perhaps that is the deal you have. Nevertheless, I find it hard to believe that falls within your professional remit. Frankly, I think this is a rant by you at Sony as you are upset by your choice, perhaps the wrong choice for you but not for millions of others. That is not exactly a mature way of approaching this matter and if you use or misuse your professional role to render such unwarranted criticisms, you will be found out. You will encounter people who know as much as you and will tell you so. That is life. Enjoy your Canon hardware if that suits your requirements and let others do likewise for whatever they select.


I bought a Sony A6000 and got £50 cashback on both the camera and zoom lens.

I had to supply them with full vat. invoices from the supplier in order to get the cashback.

If you have not complied with this you can't complain.

Regarding the Camera battery life and performance I find it excellent value for the price.

The picture quality and camera functions are more than adequate for this type of camera.


I'm sorry for your bad feeling. There are a few points, i think a real pro would never shot like this. Terms and conditions are clear, see below thalamus ! saying liars is wrong, all brands have to be careful about cheating! I'm really not saying you are cheating, believe me. I know many pros and PM's from Canon Nikon and Sony etc., i know what i'm talking about. I was many years a trainer for Sony and had many competitions with the other trainers from Canon, Nikon, Olympus, Minolta etc. we had always a warm relationship to each other. We each never made a brand bad. It's always falling back to you.


I hope you will give Sony a chance, the Cameras are really competitive to the other brands. I believe Sony will just have happy Photographer as customers.


Sorry for my bad english, i put my energie in photography. (a99, Nex-6, a700, cypershots  etc. different Zeiss, etc.) My Next camera is sony a7R II.


Best regards





Your reply reads as though you work for sony.

If this person has had the same poor customer service as many others, myself included, then the decent thing to do is to help others avoid the brand responsible. 

If you haven't been through it, keep out of the topic.