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You know what I really miss on the NEX 7 is a cable shutter control !

You know what I really miss on the NEX 7 is a cable shutter control !

Arguably Sony do not make a great selection of adaptors and lens to enable true high magnifation table top images, thats why the interchangeable lens system on the NEX is great. Using aftermarket adaptors I can use my Olympus systems and combine great lens systems with great NEX 7 electronics. The perfect solution to a difficult problem, you might think, not so.

Unfortunatly, the only way to trigger the camera without causing camear shake is via the IR remote. In Macro photography the business end is the back of the lens with lots of clutter, lighting and staging at the front end. Now when you take that perfect shot you have to somehow contrive to get the remote reflected into the camera front end and that is not so easy.

So please Mr Sony can you provide me with a replacement trigger button that has a corded screw adaptor or provide a second IR sensor at the rear of the camera, either will do !

For a camera that has potential for professional status this very basic trigger placing is sorely missed, at least by me.


Hi, welcome to the Sony Forums :slight_smile:

Interesting point. I've been hearing a number of people wishing camera manufacturers would go back to 'old school' threaded shutter release buttons for this sort of thing and it does seem to be something that might happen on higher-specced cameras in future. Sony's new RX-1 has one and it was greeted with open arms by timelapse photographers and the like.

I doubt you'll be able to retro-fit one on a NEX-7 but it may well be something that developers pick up on for the next model release.

Have you tried using the self timer instead of the IR remote? It's always my fallback if I can't use a cable release.



Maybe this is what you are looking for: IR-Reflector for Infrared Remote Control

yes that ture when i was reading this article but more informations mean more tention :slight_smile: about NEX 7 electronics.. and i see a few thing here i would like to share with you..

Hi !

I own the RX1 with the threaded shutter release ,but i struggle to find a remote with timelapse functionality that

fits the shutter release.

As i understand the new RX100 has the possibility to be remote controlled via the multi terminal , and hopefully this will be implemented in coming cameras as well.

I have the USB connection in my RX1,but it does not have the multi terminal .

At the moment the original Sony remote  (RM-VPR1) that  works with the RX 100 only supports single shots so it is useless for timelapse. There is maybe a possibility that third party remotes like the

Trigggertrap,Hahnel can work. They both have timelapse possibilities.