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2015 Bravia Android TV Issues


2015 Bravia Android TV Issues

I thought I'd create a generic thread to cover off the issues being encountered on the 2015 Bravia Android TVs. I've listed my issues below with fixes / workarounds and responses from support. All comments and solutions welcome!



1) Hot Swap HDMI doesn't work - manifested by no input on HDMI channels 2, 3 and 4 on the KD-49X8305C. Workaround - reset the TV, either by holding down the remote power button for 5 seconds or by switching the TV off at the wall and then back on again. Further details on this thread:


2) HDD Recording doesn't work - error message states a system update is required but none is available when checking. Hopefully this will be fixed soon by a firmware update.


3) Netflix App doesn't work - this seems like the app has been deliberately disabled. So far a support case has only recommended that a factory reset be performed (took two days to get to that cracking piece of advice.....), with no improvement as a result. A temporary (albeit for advanced users only) workaround is provided by MikeLothian on this thread - 


4) Sound lag and performance issues after the TV (KD-49X8305C) has been on standby for a while - manifested for me as stuttering and sound / picture sync issues in all apps (youtube, amazon instant video etc) and HDMI sources (PS4, seperate YouView box etc). Hopefully this will be fixed in a firmware update, at the moment workarounds involve either changing channels to get the sync to work or in my case having to turn the TV off and then on again at the socket.


As stated previously, all comments welcome. Personally I'm willing to give Sony a couple of weeks to fix this, but if it's not done soon I'll be sending my new TV back for a refund as it's not really fit for purpose.

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@Risc0n wrote:

The consumer rights law allows us to take effectively a class action style lawsuit against Sony.

A point well made...


But have you got the time and resources to get the ball rolling? I suppose though it would take only one hacked off lawyer to light the blue touchpaper.


Really the most practical solution is to have the set taken back and exchanged for something that is satisfactory - or your money refunded. And anyone who has experienced problems with these sets would seem to have good grounds. 


stuhall11 wrote:


Certain individuals seem hell-bent on shouting the rest of the community down with their own agenda, including unfounded accusations of corporate shilling

Oh at least grow a pair and name names!


And what "agenda" would that be exactly?  - If you're going to make statements like this at least acquaint yourself with the defamation act.  I've written nothing here I wouldn't be fully prepared to defend in court... And I'm not the one with a vested commercial interest in making the issue 'go away'.


I am simply furious that instead of dealing with the wider public there does indeed seem to be a determination - possibly through the use of shills - to try and deflect from the basic issue... These sets should NEVER have reached the market in this state, and shouldn't be on sale now... 


And - if you'd been paying attention - you'd know that my Android set DID go back... Not to Curry's, but to Sony themselves...   Who, to be fair, have been very helpful.   But, unlike others perhaps, I've never subscribed to the 'I'm alright jack' philosophy...   And - whilst I might otherwise be happy to fall silent on the matter I'm not going to stand idly by while the roses are painted red and innocent people continue to get stiffed! 


You are of course free to start your own 'constructive' thread that deals with whatever specific issues you wish...

@darrenj11 wrote:

@frogger38 wrote:

@Tarzion wrote:



If you go directly into the channel setup, the remote starts to become sluggish until it reaches a point where it almost stops responding.


Can you be more specific... I'd like to try & replicate your issue ?

are you bored?

Curious to see if the issues are common to all model... Mine is HD not 4K.. It will take a few seconds.

Product is is Sony 2015 KDL 43W805C Android TV, UK Model with YouView, purchased Sept 2015.

Sony 2015 KD-55X8509C 4K Android


Press Home on the remote


Scroll down to Settings


Under Settings there should be an option Channel Setup


Try using it to scan channels etc and you will see what I mean.



checked out my router as advised and reset it to 11, internet connection is now stable for the tv, many thanks.


So I complain about my TV that I spent good money on, so whats my agenda other than to complain about it I wonder?


Well I acutally posted first about the UHD that stopped working on Amazon Prime and guess what, it was fixed, now if I did not bother to complain then it may not have been fixed and we would all be spending good money and not getting the service, so it pays to complain about things does it not?


So I will continue to complain and again if anyone does not like it well, unsubcribe or go and make your own thread up, that too will eventually get full of complaints as most of the other threads are complaints, not many come on and say "Oh this is the best set in the world, its so perfect and never goes wrong" mainly as the set is far from perfect and should not be sold like it is.


Your not telling me that Currys did not know about these problems,its been going on for months, months further back before I bought it, if I had known I would not have bought it, simple as that.


So before someone comes on here having a go at me for speaking the truth and not being happy about my experience with this, can I ask you to take it off my hands for 1k as you obviously think its such a perfect TV, from the 31st March if its not fixed its going back, no more chances Sony... Its will be going back to you Sony, not Currys through.






But why attack someone and misquote them?




"Attack" who and "Misqoute" who?


@Caledonian_TV wrote:

Curiouser and curiouser...


I took the time to look through the John Lewis site to read some of these glowing reviews of the sets that were spoken of.... In fact, the majority of those reviews are 'cherry picked' from! - Go figure! 


This one from someone calling themselves 'Continentalgt' caught my eye though...  It's on the KD49X83...  By a curious co-incidence pretty much the same set I asked Sony to take back because of its instability... An example of which was available in its frozen state for public viewing in Curry's Livingston store last Saturday...


This TV has many serious problems and many of the features on it's spec sheet don't work such as hard disk record & PIP/PAP.
We have had random rebooting, locking up where the remote control does nothing and then requiring a re-boot, starting up on its own at various times of the day and night, random messages appearing, start up with sound but no picture and probably many other things I've forgotten.
We are told a software update at the end of March 2016 will address the problems however earlier updates were supposed to do the same and didn't.
I have been an avid Sony supporter for many years but I'm afraid that view is changing rapidly.
A television to the majority of people is an important item that we tend to take for granted and expect to just switch on and view.
This TV is certainly not that, it is temperamental and at times very infuriating.
Unlike the majority of people I can usually work around the problems but my wife cant so when it goes wrong (usually when Coronation Street is on) and I'm not there the domestic harmony in the entire household gets strained to say the least.
This sets saving grace is it's beautiful picture but it comes at a great cost.
Sony should never have released a television with an operating system so badly flawed.




From later postings I understand his 'neutered' set has worked for a few weeks now... Very fortunate I should say. 
You sir, with your ridiculously large fonts and accusations of ranting, seem to be the one living in a bubble; and again are indulging in classic deflection and projection...
It would appear your set is 'in remission'. And that is only the result of your (your own words) 'neutering it!  For how long?  Factually your 2-star review of the set was published AFTER allegations surfaced of negative reviews being censored. And the bulk of the positive reviews across the Android range are, as I say, cherry-picked from
I can fully understand that, having bought and paid for a thing one simply wants to sit down and enjoy it rather than go into battle with either a retailer or Sony themselves (though in my case the latter have proved themselves remarkably helpful). - And that equally well there might be domestic 'pressures' that might make one resistant to losing face...  
The fact these sets are popping off like flies in November!  So duff ones - your own included -are by no means the exception!
And as you say yourself "Sony should never have released a television with an operating system so badly flawed."
Bubble you say?  


Oh dear, first let me apologise for the large font, I'm still finding my way around the site and am not as adept as you at posting.


First let me say that most of people on this thread are those that have experienced some sort of a problem, this is natural as people are looking for answers.

The majority of people that have had no problems with their TV will just get on with their lives and not even probably realise this thread exists.


Secondly it's to be expected that unhappy owners frustrated with their suppliers and Sony will use this thread to vent their frustrations as no one else will listen to them so it gives them a forum and perhaps a little comfort to speak to like minded individuals.


Caledonian_TV I have made no secret of the history of my TV and often reffered to it however you seem to feel it necessary to revisit it.

I have also posted actions taken with my TV that have overcome many of the initial problems in an effort to help others, you didn't see fit to post that though so I guess it was a little too positive for you.


Don't think Sony don't read these posts because they surely do, so post facts without the emotion and it will probably benefit us all eventually.

I've heard people say Sony don't answer posts, well if somone did it would be a bloodbath and acheive nothing so don't expect Sony to put themselves in a no win situation, no one in their right mind would.


It's a shame that someone who is a such a self proclaimed expert only posts negatively, with your skills and experience you should be well able to take the lead and advise others such as I tried to do.

Oh wait you did tell someone with a clicking set to turn the power off!


Presumably now you have replaced your set with a non Android set we will be hearing less from you as your comments can now only be theoretical and not of any real use.


I am now drawing a line under this, so negatively rant on unhindered if you must I won't be responding, (Now there is an easy target)


We are told Sony will do nothing before the end of March and we are stuck with it, so lets get back to a more positive situation and see if we can come up with fixes, adjustments or just sharing experiences in an effort to help one another.