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ARC Not Working with KD-55XD8599 and Denon AVR-X2300

ARC Not Working with KD-55XD8599 and Denon AVR-X2300

I have a Sony Bravia, Yamaha receiver and AppleTV 4. The AppleTV 4 Remote used to work fine with the Yamaha Receiver, Sony Bravia TV and Sony DVD player (lets not discuss the Xbox). But before Christmas it stopped working, so I fiddled and bought a new HDMI cable. Everything seemed ok until this week and now nothing I try has the Apple remote ARC working with the TV. The receiver and the DVD player are fine, but the tv stays inactive. Please don't tell me the cable is bad. I tried another HDMI cable I had and it doesn't work either and I have checked for updates on the TV, receiver and the AppleTV. Nothing works. Apple says it's sony because the receiver works fine.

Not applicable

Hi there,


Have you tried a factory reset?


Best wishes,


Hi @katherineghost,


Welcome to the Sony Online Community! We would need more information and a better description of the actual problem in order to be able to assist. 


Your thread title mentions the issue to be between the TV and AVR, but from reading your post I understand the issue has to do between the ATV4 and the TV. In addition you say, and I quote:


@katherineghost wrote:

 now nothing I try has the Apple remote ARC working with the TV. 

You need to describe for us, what function(s) or operation(s) is exactly not working.


To understand your problem we also need to know how all your devices are connected with one another. A connection map of the devices is preferably the best option.


Problems related to the ARC functionality are very common. Mostly the root cause for these type of issues is bad quality shielding of HDMI cables. Strong sources of electromagnetic radiation (WiFi routers, Wireless phones or speakers, etc.) placed very close to the HDMI cables can get through the shielding. These affect the signals which pass through the HDMI cables. Other common issues are the type and number of devices connected together. The more the devices you connect to your TV or AVR, the higher the chance to run into these sort of issues. I also advice you not to bind your audio/video cables together in order to tidy things up (i.e. cable management) and never use cables longer than 1.5 meters to connect your devices.




So I didn't try a factory reset. I really didn't want to have to restablish everything. Two days later, there must have been a Sony update and it suddenly worked. I had checked if there was any. We hadn't changed anything on our end at that point. I am glad it is now working, but it is very annoying because it could easily happen again.