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KD65AG8BU constantly needs to be retuned

KD65AG8BU constantly needs to be retuned

I bought a TV less than six months ago (six months of regret) and the latest problem is that I am having to re-tune each day as a great number of the channels are lost overnight, including BBC1 and BBC2 and many others. It doesn't help that this must be the slowest TV on the planet to re-tune, taking about ten minutes each time. That may not sound much but turning the TV on to watch a programme and missing the first ten minutes isn't what I paid £2,000 for. Ironically this problem seems to have started with a recent firmware update so is there another one coming imminently to undo the supposed improvement?? 




Has this issue now gone away, leaving only all the other regrets you have with the TV?


If not which is your transmitter?


There have been (different) configuration problems with a couple of transmitters recently, with losing channels overnight being one of the symptoms.

My favourite bedtime reading is a Sony product manual…

Yes, the problem which I had posted only a few hours earlier still persists, I'm afraid. I am in the East Midlands and I have five TVs pointing at the same transmitter, four of which work perfectly (LG & Samsung). Only this Sony chooses to lose many of its channels, including BBC1 and BBC2 almost every day. I think I only needed to re-tune once in the previous five months but since the recent firmware update it is almost every day. Given the speed at which it finds its channels the TV is rendered pretty useless.