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[Master Thread] - 4K / 2160p Juddering Issues - Sky/BT


[Master Thread] - 4K / 2160p Juddering Issues - Sky/BT

Hi all - thanks for all the informative information I have found on this community site.


I have recently purchased the above tv and I am using it with a (UK) BT Ultra HD package. The output of the box is 2160p50 and I have set it to 10 bit colour.


Generally speaking I am very happy with the telly but I am experiencing a bug which sounds similar to the "Screen Format: Full" issue reported on another thread.


After a period of watching TV (normally longer extended periods of say 2 hours), the picture starts to judder and the "Screen Format: Full" message flicks on and off. The only way to recover this is to switch the telly off and on again which seems to allow the telly to "resync". This problem happens *every* day when watching TV at least once.


It is not a problem with the BT box as when I switch that on and off the picture problem does not clear.


I have tried different 4K related settings on the telly / BT box but the problem still occurs. Has anyone else noticed this with the TV ?






279 REPLIES 279

Well i am also mid update as we speak


I unfortunately was also getting juddering on the Mutant HD51 4k box


Will update in a day or two

I can confirm that this update enables DD 5.1 output on optical for Amazon Video. 


I installed the latest firmware yesterday morning. So far so good with my BT UHD box!


Seems like many are also experiencing similar success, so perhaps we weren't all just lazy with our set up after all, and there was indeed a serious firmware flaw! 😉


Will post an update next week after the TV has been put through it's paces a bit more.


Being usb install only should have been a warning sign. they never work properly

This is an aotomatic update not usb.


Yes ota so I have more confidence it is a vlaid fix

so no juddering so far since the last update and the video apps seem to be playing okay.


however...we just noticed a horizontal line, sort of dotted, along the screen. we initially thought it was the program but it stayed there when another program came on. we turned it off and on and it is gone for now but it never did this before the update.


I've had the same on one occasion but prior to the update so not related to that. As with you a power cycle sorted it out.


i spoke too soon.


shortly after this problem my wife put on video, only audio. turned off netflix and not even the sky program came up, just blank. after a complete turn off then on the same issue initially, no netflix video, but then green artifacts kept coming up and randomly it would show a frozen picture of the sky program from hdmi 1 in the background behind the artifacts.

2016-11-09 21.09.47.jpg

2016-11-09 21.09.45.jpg

i have more photos and video also


From the Sky forum:


cpkr wrote:

Updted my KD55XD9305 with a USB stick sent by Sony.

TV updated perfectly as described on the covering letter BUT next day the juddering was back.

When the TV works the picture is really good but just had enough now 😞