New Android TV frozen on TV guide

New Android TV frozen on TV guide

No response from remote control, completely frozen on TV guide.


Unplugged from the power supply, waited 30 seconds, plugged back in, no change. Did reset to manufactures initial settings, no change. Don’t know what else to do!!


Brand new tv, just bought it yesterday. Complete rubbish in my opinion of I can’t even change the channels. £3k completely wasted!! 




Hardly wasted; you have a warranty on this TV, so just request the supplier takes it back.


I presume from your little flag that you are in the UK?


Possibly, the supplier can arrange for it to be looked at in your home, which you should allow, but saying ‘without prejudice’ (to your statutory rights to reject the item).


And if it’s not some simple configuration issue that can be fixed there and then - which from the steps you have taken it doesn’t seem it is - you should refuse any offer of them taking it away to repair, as is your right this early on, and get a refund or a replacement.


Likewise if they can’t look at it in your home at all.


Your choice then is do you get another of the same model, or a different TV altogether?


There’s a curve called the bathtub curve, because it looks like a cross-section through a bathtub, of the failure pattern of electrical and other devices; high and steep at the beginning with DOAs and other on-delivery faults, going shallow for the expected life of the device, and then steepening again as it wears out.


So hitting the rim on day 1 will happen to a few of this model of TV, including yours, but doesn’t mean it’s necessarily a bad model (or at least, not any worse than every other Sony Android TV out there), so you should be OK to at least try a direct replacement for it.


But it would be your understandable choice if you wanted to switch brands,


Likely someone will be able to fix your current one on the bench, and the retailer put it on sale again as ‘open box’ or ‘refurbished’, and priced to reflect this; but don’t let them make this your problem. There’s a corollary to the bathtub curve that shows the incidence of subsequent problems is much higher once an initial problem has occurred, and you don’t want to be in that position.

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