α Lessons volume 3 now available



Author: Sony Europe

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The latest volume of α Lessons, our popular online photography magazine, is now available for you to download and enjoy.


If you find yourself inclined to take pictures of the food you eat, then this is simply a must-read. There’s pages of useful tips and tutorials that will help you to take the most delicious-looking photos possible, and plenty of visual examples that will be guaranteed to leave you with a rumbling stomach!


The magazine then moves on to something completely different - the sky. We’ll be showing you how to take beautiful shots of the sky that can evoke a wide range of emotions, with plenty of visual examples to take inspiration from. The lessons are easy to follow, the magazine is full of beautiful illustrations throughout, and as always, the whole thing is absolutely free.


Simply download the α Library app to your tablet and you’ll be able to instantly enjoy the latest α Lessons volume along with all the previous volumes, too. To learn more about the α Library app, be sure to visit the page below.


