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Recently I purchase BDP-S490 Blue ray player with main purpose to stream video with subtitles from my PC to my TV but I have a lot of problems with this and hope that some of you could help me.
I can’t stream avi files (SD and HD, with or without subtitles) from my pc to my blue ray. I have focus mostly on serviio media server. I have made changes in the Sony blue ray profile according to “patters” guidance’s, to enable streaming without transcoding of avi files with embedded subtitles but with no success. All I get is the message that the file is corrupted or unsupported. I also get the same message when I try to play these files from usb flash drive from the front port of the player.
Some of the mkv files are playable but the subtitles are small and unreadable and some get the same message that they are corrupted of unsupported. When I import subtitles in some of this .mkv files, even if they are playable I couldn’t turn them on and I get message that the operation is currently prohibited. This files play perfectly from the usb flash drive attached on the front port of the player and all the changes that I have made on the subtitle (size of the font, encoding) are shown fine.
Blue ray randomly refuses to see media sever.
Now could you suggest me some media server that can play video files without transcoding with embedded subtitles?
Do you have information if Sony is planning to enable (like Samsung and LG) .srt subtitles in future firmware’s, together with ability to change font, encoding, and color of the subtitles?
Are there any specific parameters for video files to be playable thru dlna?
Thank you.
I have managed to fix the subtitle problem. I have found a site where you can download subtitles depending on the movie resolution. If you have a movie created in 720p, you can use a subtitle for 1080p which can make the subtitle larger. I hope this helps.
Hello, tetrapackage. Is it possible to get the site url from you? I am also suffering from the subtitle problem on my 490.
i have dabbled with this a lot and found that with Avi files you can use a program called AVIAddXSubs, using this i found that it creates another file with the subs hardcoded to the movie, all this dabbleing really should not be nessessary but i have tried several times to get Sony to wake up to this and they are just NOT interested, unlike LG and Samsung who have managed to get their products and support down to a T .
Sony even got together with Serviio to create a package called Homestream and even with that managed to omit Subtitle support, Sony saying its Serviio's problem and Serviio saying its Sony's problem.
it would appear that if your sights bad you cant see the flaws in their products and if your hearings bad you cant hear what they say about it, and to people like Sony, well that suits them just fine because they dont care!
Hi - Just to be clear, somewhat frustratingly there is no native support for DLNA subtitles on BRAVIA or Blu-ray products at present, which is why neither Homestream, Serviio or any other package supports it. There are a couple of other ways this can potentially be done which I'm looking at right now as a functional solution, but again these are dependent on 3rd parties and may only work with some files. So there are a number of challenges here, but it is being investigated.
I am aware of AVIAddXSubs. I am using it a lot to import subtitles in avi files and it works fine on my Sony TV. But the if we put aside probles with subtitles another big question is why I cant play avi files. And not just over DLNA. I have tried to play avi files from the usb port and from DVD but again I get the same message that the file is either corrupted or unsuported and that same files play perfectly on the TV. It seems that blue-ray player does not support avi files.