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BDP-S5500 Blu-Ray player wont connect to Netflix


BDP-S5500 Blu-Ray player wont connect to Netflix

Hi.  I got one of these for Christmas but cannot get it to connect to Netflix.  All other devices (some Sony) in the house connect OK, including within the same room.  I have tried both wired and wireless connection options but neither work.  Other internet apps such as iplayer and Amazon Prime Video work fine.  When trying to connect it repeatedly gives the Netflix error code nw-2-5


Initially I contacted Netflix and depite the above, I ran through the usual stuff about powercycling the BDP and also my router.  Nothing helped.  I then called Sony as Netflix said it was a Sony issue.  They got me to do the same again (!) and also to try it with factory reset settings and also any software updates on the BDP, but still no joy.  They then said it was likely to be a parental controls issue via my ISP, even though Netflix works fine throughout the house on other devices.  I disabled by parental controls visa my BT control panel, but still no joy and Sony said to actually call BT and get them to remove parental controls from DNS servers.  I was reluctant to do this as I have 3 kids in the house, but in an effort to get the problem resolved I did as instructed. 


Having now spoken to BT (not easy - several hours on the phoner on hold and with promised call backs  failing to materialise) they confirm that all parental controls have been deleted from the DNS servers.  Guess what?  Still won't work and gives the same message, despite switching off/on, resetting the BT router and powercycling the BDP.


Can anyone help with this??  Please?


My BDP-S5500 is the same. But Netflix used to work before Christmas but now doesn't. Netflix did the same with me and then directed me to my ISP (BT Infinity ). Tried all the usual fixes found on line and none of them work. My other devices continue to work without any issues. Clearly a Netflix App issue with Sony. Not happy!


Sorry to hear your similar tale of woe. I'm afraid to say that at the end of the day I ended up returning the bluray player and getting a Samsung one.  guess what....  absolutely no connection problems to Netflix or anything else whatsoever.


 Not good Sony! 2 


I have had very similar experience with this box (you can read more in my detailed post in this forum:


It's a shame that Sony sells devices with such a miserable firmware.