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BDV-L600 replacment unit using EZW-RT50 transceivers


BDV-L600 replacment unit using EZW-RT50 transceivers

Ive come to realise that the bluray cinema system has packed up becuase it no longer has a working HDMI output.


The inout work fine but i can not send the PS4 out of the unit on old AV system.



It has EZW-RT50 Transceivers, my plan is - if possble to get a new unit and plug the wireless transciever into the new unit and then continue using the excisiting speakers???



HELP please!!


thank you

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bluray playback worked fine through the scart in the new LG tv. but not the HDMI.


my PS4 and SKY+, apple TV all work fine in the new LG tv, but its only got one bloody HDMI input which is why this is so frigging annouying!