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Yellow tint


Yellow tint

Anyone else have a yellow tint on their display?? I have it quite bad on the bottom of the display and both left and right hand edges of display running from top to bottom. Is it possible with a firmware update that this issue could be eliminated. J had read on one forum that ICS update SHOULD solve it. Something to do with the colour calibration. I have also heard that it could be to do with colour temperature of screen,  or the glue that was used to put display together.

Any advice would be gladly appreciated as this is ruining my experience with this device.

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three offer official unlock code for 15 pounds. im not sure for orange! as i hv unlocked it before, so this time is waived.

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I actually sent the box as a protective and firm container for the phone..

I don't care about the old box, why haven't they given me the new one's box? What if I want to sell this phone?



That's fair enough. Like I said I could understand your reasons for including the box.

Have you had a good look at your display yet?  I know it's too soon to say but no signs of any yellow tint?

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The screen looks fine, No tint at all for the moment

Although the colours seem to be a bit different than the other phone



"colours seem to be a bit different" Is that is in a good or bad way?

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In a no different way. It just seems that the new one is a bit dimmer than the first screen


Cheers mate.


I would tend to agree with this, I think the maximum brightness is less bright than previous, but I don't keep my screen on full brightness anyway because it tends to wash out the blacks.

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Did your phone arrive in a new original box? Was it unlocked?


Maybe because the glue is now spread uniformly rather than in a big blob it gives the impression of a warmer tone in general, the reduced brightness (only slightly mind) and the more uniform coating of glue probably contributes to keeping the glue cooler in general.  In simplified terms it's probably similar to using double sided sticky tape as apposed to a blob of PVA glue.  I'm just speculating here of course Slightly_smiling_Face