Share your experience!
Hi People,
The problem I have is DNLA which will show a 1920 x 1080 on my Blu Ray players (BDP-S370 or BDV-E370) from my Windows 7 PC but on my TV (KDL32EX403U) it only shows as a maximum off 720 x 480 which is very poor to watch even when I know the file on my PC is 1920 x 1080 or 1280 x 720 because it works fine on the Blu Ray players.
My Windows 7 PC is fine and works fine on the Blu Rays in 1080p.
Any ideas or settings anywhere / suggestions?
Try to put video alocation on Your grafic card to maximum.
Hi it depends on the file format when playing by DNLA and what your server is doing with file, most servers will transcode files, as the format supported directly by DNLA is a lot lower than those available by USB, the TV will have different support to those on the Blluray player as the player has a greater capability. The other issue is the TV has no picture enhancement when it comes to the files be broadcast by DNLA, where the Bluray player will upscale the image, so the Bluray player may be getting the same quality but can do more with it.