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Parental control and

Parental control and

Even when I set the parental control to the highest possible age, 18, some channels still block:

Casanovas: "All items filtered" "Please check your ratings".

I'm 50. Is that old enough, or do I have to be in a retirement home to qualify?

The user manual says I can enter the parental control code to watch blocked content, but that doesn't work either. The user manual is a joke. Everything the user needs to know isn't there.


BIV Parental Control Settings
BIV Bravia TV and BIV BD Players are both featured with parental control settings for BIV content.

There are two types of parental control which are listed below.

Type 1

Internet Video Parental Control

Available on both BD Players and Bravia TV

This parental control will only operate when a service provider such as "LOVEFiLM" or "YouTube" for example have

an age rating system. For example "LOVEFiLM" have an age rating system, which means that providing that the

content has been rated by the content provider, in this case LOVEFiLM, it will then be possible to set an age

limit on the BIV product that will operate in conjunction with the provider's own age rating system. For example

if 18 is selected as an age limit on the BIV product and the content on LOVEFiLM has also been set by LOVEFiLM at

18, then 18 rated content from the provider will be available to the BIV product, however if the BIV product was

set to 15, the 18 rated content would not be available to the BIV product.

To set an age limit on the BIV product follow the instructions below using the Remote Control. 

Via Settings within the BD Player product XMB menu:

Go to "Parental Control Settings" and press OK
Go to Password and set up a password then press OK
Go to "Internet Video Parental Control" and press OK
Type in password then press OK
Select either "No Restrictions" or the age limit required, then press OK
Via Settings within the Bravia TV XMB menu:

Go to "System Settings" and press OK
Go to "Parental Lock" and press OK
Go to Password and set up a password then press OK
Go to "Parental Rating" and press OK
Type in password then press OK
Select either "No Restrictions" or the age limit required, then press OK
Important to note: It is not Sony's responsibility to rate internet content, the responsibility will be with the

content provider such as LOVEFiLM for example. Therefore we cannot guarantee that by setting the age limit on the

BIV product it will provide 100% content control.

Type 2

Internet Video Unrated

Only available on BD Players

This parental control, if set to "Block", will not allow any content to be shown from those providers that have no

parental age rating system. So for example, if set to "Block" all content will still be available from LOVEFiLM

unless an age limit is set. (see Type 1 above) 

To set "Block" or "Allow" on the BIV product, follow the instructions below using the Remote Control.

Via Settings within the BD Player product XMB menu:

Go to "Parental Control Settings" press OK
Go to Password and set up a password then press OK
Go to "Internet Video Unrated" and press OK
Type in password then press OK
Select "Allow" or "Block" then press OK


Parental Lock
Sets an age restriction for viewing, or blocks specific channels. To view any rated programme you specify or any

blocked channel, enter the correct PIN code.

For the PIN code, refer to Troubleshooting in the paper manual supplied with this TV.

Setting age restriction is available depending on your region/country.
Blocking specific channels is available depending on the TV model.



Thanks for these comments.

You said: "Select either "No Restrictions" or the age limit required,"

The only thing I can do on this Bravia TV is to choose an age between 3 and 18. There is no choice "No Restrictions", unless it has been made so cryptic to set it that one needs a manual to explain it. However, there is in reality no manual for this TV, considering that the comments available in the online documentation are so general and superficial that they practically never provide answers to one's questions but mostly explain just what is obvious.

The lead text for the age field is: "Any event will be locked when it is rated as unsuitable for below the following age".

So, according to the description, if I set the limit to 18, only what is suitable for 18-99 will be shown and anything unsuitable for the ages 0-17 will be blocked, and if I set the limit to 3, only what is suitable for 3-99 will be shown (thus: less restrictive), and anything unsuitable for the ages 0-2 will be blocked. So in any case, anything unsuitable for 0-2 will always be blocked, as I cannot remove the age limit.

But in practice, when I set the limit to 18, content rated 15 is shown, and if I set the limit to 3, content rated 15 is blocked. According to the description, what ought to happen is: content rating of 15 means it's unsuitable for 0-14. So if the age setting of 18 means content unsuitable for 0-17 is blocked, then this content ought to be blocked. However, it is shown.

In fact, in all cases where there is an age restriction, it means it is unsuitable for 0-2 year olds, so it should be blocked regardless of what the age setting is, since all age settings, according to the description, will block at least content unsuitable for 0-2 year old.

Part of the confusion comes from an apparently erroneous description text of how the age limit works. This is a mess.

And I still have no explanation why any age, whether 3 or 18, setting blocks certain contents.