Vaio update not updating

Vaio update not updating

I am using Vaio Update version Upon checking for updates it come up with the following message...

A new version of VAIO Update is available. VAIO Update cannot be used unless it is updated. Update now?

I click yes, then the icon in the system tray shows it is downloading the update but then after around 1 minute it stops and nothing happens. So, until this is fixed i cannot use VAIO Update.

Any solutions or a direct download link to download the latest version?

If it makes difference my model number is VGN-AW41MF



simwood7, I was trying to solve the same problem with my daughters VGN-CR21S all day yesterday until I found this thread this morning, I uninstalled Skype and it worked first time.


Hi All,

I've been strugglikng with this issue for years and only just found this thread

Unfortunately the solutions don't seem to work


I have a VGN-Z17GN with Vista Business, purchased in June 2009 (has lasted well, very happy with it)

If I download the correct Vaio Update from the support pages, I get caught in the continuous loop of install, update, install update, but it is never actually installed


Following someone's earlier tip, I looked at thew attempted updates

 - here is the version I get from the support page (this has 'successful' status in the history tab BUT never actually works on my laptop, it immediately tries to update to...

 - version


So I have no properly functioning Vaio Update


Is there anywhere I can download the required version  from directly?Can I download another version for another laptop, and just use that, or is this going to cause issues?)


All help gratefully received



I also had problem with updating Vaio Care. However, I think I found a way to get around this. Go to the Sony website ( Click in the Customer service link. On the customer service page, you can enter your model no.of your PC. This model no. is also shown in your Vaio care software. When entering the model no., you are directed to a download page. At this page you need to select between Windows 7, 8, or 8.1. Browse downward in the list of downloadable files. Find Vaio Care. Clik this and update. This worked fine with me without any problems. However, be patient, it may take some time.


To Sony: you should be more customer oriented and put some more efforts in finding solutions and be more respondant to customer feedback. Otherwise you will lose customers.


I am having the same problem!


Vaio Care Version:


Any suggestions appreciated


Me tooooo!!!! :anguished:

Although I cannot say I am surprised with Sony's shockingly bad software intergration.


Me as well!

I've had four updates waiting to be installed for weeks. I've tried countless times at all times of the day and night for weeks but each time I get the message "Updates failed to install. Try again later".

Sony's support is simply appaling, especially considering the high prices they charge for their hardware.