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Any idea on Firmware upgrade for A580

Any idea on Firmware upgrade for A580

Dear Members,

I am a student residing in Germany. I have a Sony Aplha 580. I was initially rooting for a A55, but then bought A580 because of its wonderful sensor, image quality, battery life and the SLR feel. But i am huge fan of features from A55 like
1. The digital Level Gauge [of course A580 has it, but only in Focus check mode]
2. EVF details
3. Video Focussing
4. Quality
apart from these size and SLT..
But i recently got restless with Sony releasing the Firmware version 2.0 for Nex and SLT series.. They have added 7 new picture effect including the selective color effect !! Cmon thats not fair :dizzy: .. Do you think Alpha 580 & 560 owners will get a firmware update any soon with upgrades like “Picture effect”, bringing up level gauge in Live view mode, some manual operations in Video, other improvements which are often seen in reviews of leading camera review websites???
Looking forward your reply !!

Hello Lamboram, and Wilkommen :slight_smile:

As your question has been live for a few days now, I have highlighted your question to technical support to see if there is any further information.



Hi, I can join Lamboran in the question he has about a firmare update to the A580.


Since Sony are now concentrating on the NEX and SLT range, I very much doubt you'll see any updates for the A580.

So there's not going to be an update for the firmware on the A580 !!!

This is not good at all. It seems that Sony are very quick to sale us there cameras with no help or backup when there is a problem, i am wanting to do more with macro, like reverse my lens, you should be able to remove the lens and keep the aperture open like you can do on the Canon and Nikon cameras. it seems you can do so much more with Nikon & Canon cameras, they also keep you up to date with new firmware!!!!!

It looks like to me that i have made one big mistake in going with Sony, not a happy bunny at all, been told by Sony that this is not possible with there lenses, but this is not a lens thing, it is to do with the software in camera. After doing much reading on the net and other forums, i have found out this is a software problem and that Sony are aware of this, and yet no solution from Sony.:smileyangry:

Have you considered that the reason a particular model of Canon or Nikon gets updated is because their firmware is buggy?  Good look waiting for Canon or Nikon to release firmware that ADDS features...

I am not waiting for Canon or Nikon to release firmware, i'm just saying there are things you should be able to do with the 580 like you can with other makes. Iike remove your lens and keep the shutter open, this is just one thing i have found you cant do, and yet sony tell me that it cant be done with there lenses, as i said this is not a lens problem, if i'm not mistaken, the camera tells the lens to stay open when you hold the DOF button in and remove the lens.

I just hope that some consideration will be given to A580 since it is still their product that needs to be upgraded in some way.

Hi there,

I would love to see a FW update for A580/560 that provides focus peaking when contrast AF is used in Focus Check LV mode, wider bracketing steps and additional picture effects (like on the SLT and NEX models).

This should be possible via FW update. Apart from that I think that those models do not need much impovement.

Let's wait and hope for the best...


Hi Lamboran,

it seems that the A55 would have been more along your line than the A580 :neutral:

The points (1-3) you mentioned are features that only the SLT models can provide due to their different construction and implementation of the translucent mirror.

1. Digital level gauge in all viewing modes:

This is only possible with the SLT models, because no matter whether you are looking through the viewfinder or on the LCD, the image always comes from the main imaging sensor - always the same way how the image is generated/viewed when framing a shot. On the A580 there are three different ways.

1. The classic way through the optical viewfinder (-> not possible to integrate level gauge there via FW).

2. A small extra sensor that is only used to provide a live image in Quick-AF-LV (-> not possible to integrate level gauge there via FW).

3. From the main imaging sensor when the mirror is flipped up in Focus Check LV (level guage is already there)

2. EVF details:

As the A580 features an optical viewfinder (OVF) it is not possible to have the same information as on an electronic viewfinder (EVF). An electronic viewfinder provides so many more options to display or to hide information, which is not possible on OVF.

3. Video focussing:

With a DSLR it is not possible to focus continuously in video mode, because the mirror is flipped up during recording and the Phasedetection AF sensors cannot be reached. This is the same for all other manufacturers, too. The Sony SLT models are special, because of the translucent mirrow. It does not need to flip up and the fast Phasedetection sensors can always be reached. That's why they have full AF functions in video.

When you use AF in focus check LV with a SAM/SSM lens, you probably noticed that the contrast AF is quite slow and it is pumping to find the focus. This is fine for shooting still images in a studio, but it would look terrible in videos... This cannot be changed via FW update.


When comparing the image quality of A580 to A55, the A580 should theoretically be a fraction better, because the light does not need to pass through the translucent mirror, but this is not visible in most cases with the bare eye...

Of course there is always room to improve internal JPEG processing, but this was also not offered for A55. In general I am very happy with the image quality and also low light performace.   

Regarding your wishes for more picture effects,  I absolutely agree. I would be great, if Sony gave the old DSRL users some nice new feature and little functions. I really liked the selective colour when I tried a NEX of a friend!

