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Common Sense:

Common Sense:

Before using a camera which you have done either on a regular basis, or on occasion over a period of time?

Do some basic checks on the camera,:same checks on a digital can do, did also apply to 35mm SLR's.

Check that it is 'loaded' digital memory card, that it is 'clean' no images left on from the last time you used it?

Check that the D-SLR battery is charged, recharge it, replace digital camera batteries with 'fresh' ones?

In addition to not being able to take photos when one wants, use the cameras 'programs' or just turn it on?

One may have a problem downloading the photos from the digital camera, D-SLR to the PC via USB?

Any progress on developing an alternate wireless data transfer:: digital camera to PC

As one may get unspecific error messages: ''check connected device' or, ''USB connection not made''?

With electrical, electronic devices: what appears 'physically connected',is not always 'electronic connected'?