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What happened to the SteadyShot scale?

What happened to the SteadyShot scale?

My previous alpha cameras had a handy little 'SteadyShot Scale' in the viewfinder, indicating how steadily you were holding the camera. It was quite handy to time your shot for your steadiest moment, increasing the chances of a sharp shot, particularly with marginal shutter speeds.

It's not there on the a77, a65 or a57.  It was there on my a55 (user manual p.57) and a700 ('read first guide', step 5).  I'm sure it was also there on my old a100.  It's also on the a900 (manual p.46)

Is there some reason the more recent SLT cameras don't have this feature?


I do not know the reason. Probably they thought other screen info items like ISO are more important. Did you use the Steady Shot indicator a lot? Did you find it reliable?

I did use it a lot and it did find it both useful and reliable.  I'm sure there is space in the evf for this indication - it was just a tiny little icon/bar chart.

On a similar note, my a100 and a700 had a little single digit counter to show how many frames remained in the buffer.  It was useful info to have when shooting bursts and after a burst, you could see how the buffer was clearing as it counted back up.   What happened to that on the SLTs too?