2015 Bravia Android TV Issues


2015 Bravia Android TV Issues

I thought I'd create a generic thread to cover off the issues being encountered on the 2015 Bravia Android TVs. I've listed my issues below with fixes / workarounds and responses from support. All comments and solutions welcome!



1) Hot Swap HDMI doesn't work - manifested by no input on HDMI channels 2, 3 and 4 on the KD-49X8305C. Workaround - reset the TV, either by holding down the remote power button for 5 seconds or by switching the TV off at the wall and then back on again. Further details on this thread: https://community.sony.co.uk/t5/televisions/kd-49x8305c-hdmi-2-3-4-inputs-not-working/td-p/1944435


2) HDD Recording doesn't work - error message states a system update is required but none is available when checking. Hopefully this will be fixed soon by a firmware update.


3) Netflix App doesn't work - this seems like the app has been deliberately disabled. So far a support case has only recommended that a factory reset be performed (took two days to get to that cracking piece of advice.....), with no improvement as a result. A temporary (albeit for advanced users only) workaround is provided by MikeLothian on this thread - https://community.sony.co.uk/t5/televisions/netflix-support-for-kd55x8509c-android-tv/td-p/1945360 


4) Sound lag and performance issues after the TV (KD-49X8305C) has been on standby for a while - manifested for me as stuttering and sound / picture sync issues in all apps (youtube, amazon instant video etc) and HDMI sources (PS4, seperate YouView box etc). Hopefully this will be fixed in a firmware update, at the moment workarounds involve either changing channels to get the sync to work or in my case having to turn the TV off and then on again at the socket.


As stated previously, all comments welcome. Personally I'm willing to give Sony a couple of weeks to fix this, but if it's not done soon I'll be sending my new TV back for a refund as it's not really fit for purpose.

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I have joined the list of those who've given up - I bought a 75" x8505 at the end of August and finally lost patience a week ago.  My two main reasons for buying were youview and freesat, so I was pretty gobsmacked when the (much delayed) arrival of one disabled the other!  Fortunately John Lewis have been very helpful and accomodating and agreed a full refund within 24 hours of getting my letter.  Lack of response from Sony to my earlier emails requesting support was in stark contrast....  I'm thinking of going back to my old TV for a bit and letting reliability catch up with technology - maybe 2016 models will be more stable? 


@Dobbs3 wrote:

I think that as I went for an exhange rather than a refund, Curry's were happy to take back the Sony - I needed a TV afterall and found that although Currys were a little more expensive than buying online, it was good to go into the shop, chat with the sales staff and purchase from a big retailer.


Hope this helps.

If you refer back to my post from about a week ago when I provided details of the Currys Customer Services email address that you have used, I managed to get a full refund and not an exchange by quoting lack of advertised HDD recording. Under the Sale of Gooods Act 1979 (which applies to purchases before 1 October 2015), you are legally entitled to a refund when you can show there has been a breach. There is no argument and you should not have to accept a replacement if you don't want it. I have vowed to never buy from Currys again due to other issues I encountered with them at the time of purchase (eg attempting to treat me like an imbecile and trying to convince me of the need for someone to come and install the set, "you will need a good quality HDMI cable  with that sir", etc), so I insisted on the refund and got no resistance back.


Just found this thread. What worrying reading Took delivery of the 55X8509 on 16/09 - so just over two months ago. Perhaps a month later I began noticing issues. The main one was that every now and then the set refused to 'see' the video files I had copied onto a USB memory stick to watch. My other half did some Googling and told me that a factory reset would solve this issue. It did - and does - but that (obviously!) resets the settings I have inputted to the TV! I lived with the issue for a while, assuming a firmware update would fix the problem - as well as other problems I was experiencing, such as: - Netflix failing to log in (open app, click log in [rather than start free trial - remember, I've probably factory reset the TV since the last time I used Netflix...!], type in password, initial loading/logging page with swirling icon to show it 'working' - then 'refreshes', swirls again and takes me back to the 'free trial or login' page) - Failing to 'cast' using for instance the BT Sport app on iPhone/iPad - the cast icon simply did not appear on the secondary device (this one comes and goes) - Network icon at the bottom of the home screen having a '!' symbol next to it despite it being plugged in via an ethernet cable and has working access to the internet The final straw was the set refusing to update the firmware I was so hopefully waiting for. For a good few days the set was trying - everytime I turned it on, it told me there was an update to be installed. I told it to go through with it and after a turning on/off cycle for a few moments it returned to the home screen. When tried manually through the 'about' menu, via the internet through the set itself I am met with a 2123 error as the set cannot download the update. I then tried to download it to my laptop, copy it to a USB and have it update that way. The set starts an update, turns on/off several times, tells me it's updating 100odd apps then turns on/off several times, tells me it's updating 100odd apps, then turns on/off again........... you get the picture!!! I spent an hour (!) one Friday on the phone to customer services who guided me through certain steps (which included checking the aforementioned 'smaller' issues, none of which were occurring at that specific time due to myriad factory resets - he seemed to take the fact that I COULD cast BT whilst on the phone to him as some sort of 'win'). His main hope was to copy the update file onto a USB then rename the original on my desktop to something like 'upgrade_uploader' and copy that to the USB too. It did not work. I was given a reference and told the issue was being escalated and they would be in touch That was about 3.5 weeks ago. I've called them a couple of times in the meantime only to be fobbed off with 'it's been escalated'. Reading through the past dozen or so pages here, it seems I can legitimately get a refund if I bring up the mis-selling of certain features - I got a good price for the TV (£999 with JL; when I checked back a couple of weeks later they had it for £1250 as did Richer) and would be loath to pay a decent amount more for a similar size/spec 4k TV Sigh. What a vent!

Just tried the solution offered at the bottom of this page: https://community.sony.co.uk/t5/televisions/yet-more-problems-with-the-2015-android-tv-s/m-p/2038601


Similar to that which I'd already tried (the upgrade_uploader; USB slot 2 etc) but with a few changes like having it at a factory reset and then removing power for a few minutes


The first time I did it the TV told me it was copying the update file or something - this notification lasted a few seconds, disappeared and the set did its usual turn off/on a few times and back to the home screen


Tried it a second time and it didn't even show me the copying the update file message - went straight to turning itself off and on again a few times


Driving me crazy.


Worth mentioning, prior to taking the TV back I emailed Sony twice about my issues with the TV. No response either time. Very unimpressed with their TV, equally unimpressed by their customer service.
Not applicable

@markellis123 - sorry, a little confused on your issue.  Are you having problems updating the TVs firmware still?  If so, what is your model number of the tv.


Hi Quinnicus. Yes the TV will not update despite trying PhilipO13's method which had a few more instructions than that of the Sony customer service rep I spoke to a month ago. It's the KD55X8509CBU


@gandawall wrote:

My current problems include :

- using the rocker switch on the remote to go from channel 102 to 101, it first goes to channel 081!

- I switch the TV off and seconds later it comes back on!

- I switch off and the picture disappears but the sound stays on!

I am waiting for a reply from Currys to my request for a refund/exchange. I note that someone was successful in obtaining a Panasonic in exchange for their Sony. Can you tell me what model you chose?

I also have the 'TV that will not die' issue whereby you switch it off, and five seconds later it comes back. I regard this as Serious.


Do you mean the sound stays on indefinitely, or just that it carries on a bit longer after the picture has gone when you switch off (assuming the set does switch off?) I have this issue, and regard it as Untidy.


I can also confirm that All4 freezes on me, in a way that seems to be particular to All4.


@Anonymous, how many independent observations do you need to add these issues to your Consolidated list - do you require more than two?

YouView Superuser, but not an employee of YouView, nor retained by them for this purpose. It's purely me speaking

Oh! Mine comes back on after I've turned it off sometimes too

I fixed the random power on issue by disabling CEC on the Kodi playback device connected to an HDMI port.


You might want to check your connected devices for CEC settings. It has various trade names which you can see in section 4 of the article at http://kodi.wiki/view/CEC.


Right now my biggest bugbear with my Sony Android TV is the "This can't be opened right now" message for any app which, as stated by others, requires a full reboot. What a turkey.