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2015 Bravia Android TV Issues


2015 Bravia Android TV Issues

I thought I'd create a generic thread to cover off the issues being encountered on the 2015 Bravia Android TVs. I've listed my issues below with fixes / workarounds and responses from support. All comments and solutions welcome!



1) Hot Swap HDMI doesn't work - manifested by no input on HDMI channels 2, 3 and 4 on the KD-49X8305C. Workaround - reset the TV, either by holding down the remote power button for 5 seconds or by switching the TV off at the wall and then back on again. Further details on this thread:


2) HDD Recording doesn't work - error message states a system update is required but none is available when checking. Hopefully this will be fixed soon by a firmware update.


3) Netflix App doesn't work - this seems like the app has been deliberately disabled. So far a support case has only recommended that a factory reset be performed (took two days to get to that cracking piece of advice.....), with no improvement as a result. A temporary (albeit for advanced users only) workaround is provided by MikeLothian on this thread - 


4) Sound lag and performance issues after the TV (KD-49X8305C) has been on standby for a while - manifested for me as stuttering and sound / picture sync issues in all apps (youtube, amazon instant video etc) and HDMI sources (PS4, seperate YouView box etc). Hopefully this will be fixed in a firmware update, at the moment workarounds involve either changing channels to get the sync to work or in my case having to turn the TV off and then on again at the socket.


As stated previously, all comments welcome. Personally I'm willing to give Sony a couple of weeks to fix this, but if it's not done soon I'll be sending my new TV back for a refund as it's not really fit for purpose.

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@LackOfOriginality wrote:

Hello, this is my first post and I apologise if this has already been asked / answered but I couldn't find any way of searching the topic for specific words (like you can on other forums).




The search is fairly usless isn't it? Luckily google indexes the forum so you can use the 'site' option to search the thread for specific keywords. If you put the following into google it will search this thread on the keyword 'hdr' and return the reuslts in the normal fashion hdr


In your case : "amazon video"

(in speech marks so it searches as a phrase) might show up something useful.

@elraouk wrote:
I use a 49X8305C with Sky HD and it works very well for that, had to adjust audio delay slightly on the sky box (smallest increment) and it's been working fine.  I've got Youview disabled, wifi and Bluetooth off, even have all the CEC (Bravia sync) controls off.  Basically everything is off that I can turn off. Only apps I have are plex and ES file Explorer and an ethernet connection to my network. 

I have the same 49" TV and SKy HD setup as you but experienced some of the problems others have had here although not as severe.


Having since disabled Youview, disabled the Bravia sync options I didnt need and physically disconected the USB stick and the USB airmouse, the set has been working faultlessly.


I still have a netwok cable attached from the sky box and the stand alone TV apps and functions I've tried seem to work fine.

I also have a TVonics DTR attached by SCART and a Denon DVD player by HDMI all of which also work fine.


I'm basically using the TV as a monitor most of the time I guess, it seems that problems occur when people connect other items in particular it seems satellite.


I am not making any sort of excuse for Sony here, people are entitled to connect any compatible item they like and expect it to work faultlessly.

I think it's pretty disgusting that we have to wait for 3 months to stand any sort of a chance of getting a fix as there have been other unsuccessful ones so nothings guaranteed.

I would like to be using the record facility and PIP now as they contributed to my decision to buy the set but sadly it seems I have to neuter the setup to get the TV to work.


@elraouk wrote:
Could be an IP conflict. You could try assigning a static IP to your TV (in your router settings). 

The TV has a static IP. Nothing on my network, other than tablets and phones, is assigned a dynamic IP.


@Tarzion wrote:

as anybody in the UK managed to tune any satellites other than 28.2?

Not in the UK. In Ireland and using EU firmware. I have managed to tune 9E and 13E in addition to 28.2E. Managed to keep the set from messing with my tuned channels after a lot of messing around I shouldn't have had to do. Surely the UK firmware shouldn't be that different to the EU firmware where sat tuning is concerned?


@Caledonian_TV wrote:

The recent storms shifted both my (fixed) dishes... (Guess what I've got planned for the weekend!). Whilst I could get the set to tune to either Astra or Eutelsat 5W (Fransat) - depending on which dish was connected, I couldn't get Diseq to work! - The dual tuner inputs were no use either.


Not you as well! I've had to re-adjust my torroidal twice this winter. The 28.2 (Sky) dish stayed put, thankfully. As for the multiple-sat question, I don't have dual tuner inputs on my set. Just a single sat connection. However, Disecq worked okay. The only problem was the battle with the set as to which channels I wanted to keep and which were to be discarded. As I said before, I ended up tuning TP by TP for the channels I wanted.



@Tarzion wrote:

I upgraded to the Ireland latest firmware and I can't see the option to set the DiSeqc port any more.


My previous UK firmware allowed me to select the ports.



I'm on the latest EU firmware, which is applicable to Ireland. I still have the Diseqc port option. It (apart from the picture quality) is one of the few aspects of the set that works as expected.



1.) the eco Power Settings,

2.) the Guide,

3.) Live USB power in standby?,

4.) other Standby Issues


Hi again Sony


This is really not something we should have to ask each other, but a search of the generic User Guide only says that the menu has power settings, which is obviously why someone would search for 'guidance', but does not indicate what the power settings signify, and searching for 'eco' does not offer any other information!


The eco power settings are 'Off', 'Low' or 'High' and in this context I wonder if they might offer a solution to the problem that power via USB connection is said to remain On in standby, unless mains power itself is switched off, which is impractical.


This may be coincidental and due to other factors but, if the setting is put to 'Low', there is an annoying popup on many screens: 'power setting low', which has not yet appeared since we tried it in High, but these sort of issues do tend to be rather random.


On the other hand, since the setting has been put to 'High' the Tv will not go into standby, and stay there, until the power button is pressed again, which I suppose might be another apparently random issue but one which is even more annoying, as others have moaned about but which is entirely new in our experience over 6 months.


Does anyone know what the Eco Power Settings 'Low' and 'High' might be supposed to do?

or if they are relevant to any other function or issue?





49X8309C in uk

Hi again Sony


This is potentially a great Tv but does need sorting out, and you do have representatives looking in.

This item is also added in case others can comment to corroborate, so it might be of some use.


Channel Selection

(For UK) It is cumbersome and unreliable with the original remote to enter digits e.g. 1-0-3 for Freeview's ITV HD, in the same way e.g. BBC1 South is formally 0-0-1 in the channel guide but channels are quite hard to tune in. In either of these examples pressing those buttons can tend to select channel 11 (formally in the guide = 011, which is Pick)


It clarifies the problems that a work-around for ITV HD is feasibe with a universal remote using:-



for BBC1 South using Hold;2;Shift-1;OK

(In that case, 'Hold', when followed in the macro sequence by a digit, changes the signal duration to the digit value in units of 50ms, so that digits 0-9 give a range of durations from 0 to 450ms. The signal is always sent once, so a duration of 0 means that the signal will be sent exactly once. The digit forms part of the Hold command and is not sent.)


I think this shows that the unreliability when trying to select channels with the original remote (i.e. 1-0-3 for ITV HD and wait, or just 1-Enter, for BBC1 South) is because the digits repeat too quickly, so that the result can easily be selection of an unassigned channel number, or just channel 11, which is the Pick channel.


The problem is that the timing and length of button presses with the original remote is too critical, which is understandably too much for some members of our family to learn, and especially that Sony has not provided the conventional Channel List which they are used to.


What do you think guys? is it finger problem on our part or is there a better explanation or way round?




49X8309C in uk

Well my KDL43W755C has just given me the 6 red flashes of it's led AGAIN! 3 times it's done that now in the last couple of months. This time though a green led flashed two or three times first, the screen /tv then switched itself off and it started flashing red. Upon turning the tv back on the operating system has rebooted. Looks like I'll be having another fruitless phone call to Sony tomorrow. 


@noelc63 wrote:

Not you as well! I've had to re-adjust my torroidal twice this winter. The 28.2 (Sky) dish stayed put, thankfully. As for the multiple-sat question, I don't have dual tuner inputs on my set. Just a single sat connection. However, Disecq worked okay. The only problem was the battle with the set as to which channels I wanted to keep and which were to be discarded. As I said before, I ended up tuning TP by TP for the channels I wanted.

Snow and sloth stopped play... :laughing: I might get to it through the week.... 


My problem is two ~50ft+ pine trees about 40' apart and the same distance from the only spot on the building I can mount a dish. - This means my Astra dish is 1.2m, solid and set to pick up a heavily attenuated signal between the two trees (rather like gunsights) It's a sheltered spot but this thing has to be set kind of 'loose' as it's better for it to shift than strain the mountings.  Elevation's pretty critical here too; and it mostly tends to drop when it gets a bit wild...  The Fransat dish is a 1M - Solid, similar issue, though it tends to get rotated...


The standard Astra dishes tend to survive because they're small and mesh...


TP by TP is obviously a fair 'workaround' for the determined...  But I had these daft notions about settling down at night, having spent my working day footering with complex A/V equipment, and just watching telly without doing another day's work. 


It's supposed to be a high-end domestic television set from one of the world's most respected manufacturers; not something I knocked up in a biscuit tin using veroboard and components I picked out the sweepings from the workshop floor!  


The FTA receiver (a cheap Ross thing) is pretty fiddly for tuning. But then it only cost £30, has been utterly reliable for the past four years and compared to the Sony its UI is a work of near perfection! 


As I say, I hope mine will be replaced with something else soon...  Given up on it; I just couldn't live with thon...  


And for the benefit of those who are quietly suggesting these sets are 'OK' if you don't want to use the advanced features; that's EXACTLY the basis on which I bought mine.  - I'm not running any apps, don't even keep it connected to a network. And I still have random crashes and lock-ups, it's useless for A/V switching suffering as it does from serious audio latency problems, the satellite tuner is unfit for purpose, and on the UK firmware seems to be 'crippled' in terms of decoding UHD signals...


Sony... If they're to retain their place in the market... Really need to drop the dogma and make an alternative line of high-performance non-android sets available.  Possibly even have a think back to their 'Profeel' days; the modular approach might have much to offer them.