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Android 6 (Marshmallow) on 2015/2016 TV's?

Android 6 (Marshmallow) on 2015/2016 TV's?



During CES I heard a news that Sony will bring Android 6 (Marshmallow) to the 2015 TV lineup.

Link with Video

General News about Marshmallow on Android TV's

These news are from January.

Had anyone heard something new about this?

964 REPLIES 964

@bbrks011 wrote:

Nope, don't want to.....cause of the 4K I get from the TV box :slight_smile:


And again, it makes me sick thinking about how Sony, because of it's incompetence, is forcing us to try all the unusual tricks to get these TVs to work properly. Unreal :anguished:

What's the difference between the 4k on your 4k HDMI device and the 4k provided by the Netflix Amazon and YouTube apps?


Also the option to choose resolution or frame rate is a choice and is nothing to do with anything working properly.

OK, I see we don't understand each other. Never mind. Lets only hope that one day Sony will finaly fix all the stupid bugs they invented :slight_smile:

Bingo!! That's what I have being trying to say all this time it's a ''choice'' how you want your Panel to preform..

Someone has finally understood what I have been trying to say.

It's also great to see some engagement on this subject.

This afternoon I have been toggerling between both options ''best resolution '' and ''best framerate''.

Here in London they are showing on ITV 1 HD James Bond film 1969 and their is differently a difference to the ''quality'' of the picture.

Sure best resolution gives you the detail and that sharpness but the picture seems to lack the definition and a much more naturalness feel of the film that best framerate gives. Also as the picture pans across its more natural movement.

I have also noticed that whites and blacks seem more defined and people seem to stand out more in the foreground.

Just some observations from me.

I have a now TV box and that also seems to be behaving differently.

Also this thread states ''Andriod 6'' so this everything about Andriod OS.

It's been all about the software for ages now and it good we discuss something new in this thread for a change.

I don't seem to be the only one that agrees.

Sent from my Sony Xperia™ Z5 Smartphone

@bbrks011 wrote:

OK, I see we don't understand each other. Never mind. Lets only hope that one day Sony will finaly fix all the stupid bugs they invented :slight_smile:

I think you mean you haven't explained what you mean or have just realized you hadn't understood what was said.

Let's just forget it. Life goes on. Anyway, I am extremely satisfied with the picture, I turned off automatic update and it will stay like that. 6.0 update doesn't interest me anymore..

Very sluggish to switch on this morning, since hiring the power button the led came on, but it then took around 7s before the picture came on.


Some great news though which I haven't a seen anywhere yet: When using 'picture off', vol -/+ no longer causes the screen to come back on. This is great for me, as it's a feature I use all the time, I wasn't expecting this fix, so thank you Sony.



Note that it only applies to KD-**S8000D/**X8000D/** X8300D /**X7500D/**X7000D/**Z9D models.


*LARGE PINCH OF SALT REQUIRED* - I imagine it's just a placeholder that somebody hit 'publish' on by mistake.


And to just quickly add to the dev menu settings - I've had this on since last year, and for *me* I don't think it makes a difference. It's interesting to see others think otherwise though, and I'd be *very* happy to be proven wrong :). I'll take any increase in performance at this point.


And to just quickly add to the dev menu settings - I've had this on since last year, and for *me* I don't think it makes a difference. It's interesting to see others think otherwise though, and I'd be *very* happy to be proven wrong :). I'll take any increase in performance at this point.

If you have best framerate set, turn x reality off and push the sharpness to about 62.  That's when I saw a big difference on 1080 sources.

Hi , Most of my viewing is in 1080P anyhow as all the UK,London freeview HD channels are transmitted in 1080i TV just upscale it to 1080P or near 4K .

I then spent several hours in one mode ‘’best resolution’’ and then changed it back again to ‘’best framerate’’ . For me its defiantly not a ‘’plasibo’’ effect for sure .

The best way that I noticed it the most is on well recorded live shows either on Channel Four HD or BBC 1 HD .

Its not just the frame rate it seems to change it also effects the quality of colours whites and blacks do seemed to be much more defined or in other words a bit more ‘’punch’’ .

So I then tried it with my ‘’Now TV’’ both Sky 1 or National Geo channel and it made quite a difference to that as well very impressed .

So for ‘’me’’ apart from Netflix or Amazon viewing based on other viewing all at 1080 which is most of the time as my Netflix subscription is just HD and not 4K viewing I don’t have fibre broadband just ADSL .

• Very smooth and Natural Motion inc picture quality – ( No soap opera effect )
• Blacks + Whites more defined or better defined-Purer
• Colours with a bit more pinch some colours do seem to stand out more

Well that’s my observation on my KD-43X8307C 2015 model .



While I admire your enthusiasm, The best framerate v resolution setting that you keep eulogising about does exactly........NOTHING....unless you are under a VERY specific situation.


The setting is designed for example if you are using an external gaming system ( There could be other external sources that may be able to want to use this setting, but I'm seriously struggling to think of one at the minute ).


Here is one example of what this setting SHOULD be used for :

You have an Nvidia Shield or knockoff Chinese 4k capable gaming box or a Playstion 4 Pro etc. We will take the PS4 Pro as an example, In some Pro enabled games you may have some varying options on how to render your games out such as Final Fantasy XV does.


Now, do I want to play Final Fantasy XV in 4k@30fps or would I prefer the included option of rendering out at only 1080P@60fps but with a few added graphical bells and whistles added?


Well, in theory, the Developer option - HDMI Optimisation should tell the console exactly this.  If you have "BEST RESOLUTION" set, it "SHOULD" make the PS4 Pro output Final Fantasy XV automatically at 4k@30fps.  If you had "BEST FRAMERATE" ticked, the PS4 Pro should automatically output Final Fantasy XV @1080p@60fps.


That's it.  It's what the option is for, but there are a few caveats.  The HDMI optimisation setting is one of the least used and least well documented of the settings in Dev Mode, so I don't even know if the PS4 Pro I used as an example would even register this setting is enabled.


Secondly, as it's at least 10 times quicker to change Video Output settings on a PS4 Pro, Nvidia shield etc in their own menu's than wading through clunky Android Menus of the Sony TV, there is literally ZERO reason to even bother with the setting full stop.


Now you claimed that this makes a difference on everything : iplayer, Amazon, Netflix etc - This is IMPOSSIBLE.  The clue is in the name HDMI OPTIMISATION.  All of the apps that you mentioned are built into the TV, they DON'T use HDMI.


You also say it's like "turning your TV into a Premium Full HD Panel" - The only way this could happen is to take a screwdriver, take your TV apart, take out the 4K panel and replace it with a 1080p panel. You have a UHD panel, it will always be a UHD panel, regardless of the Input source, You can't change the pixels in a panel.


Lastly - colour reproduction - It has ZERO effect apart from if you have this setting enabled, it may negate your ability to output HDR games with the BT2020 colour gamut.


"Doubling the Framerate" - Again, it doesn't double your framerate, it does NOTHING to any standard video source full stop regardless of whether they are an app on your TV or from an external box.


Everything that you are seeing is a Placebo and nothing more I'm afraid.


There is also a online myth that enabling "Best Framerate" halves your Input Lag - It doesn't.