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Bravia 8 - K65XR80 - restarting - regularly

Bravia 8 - K65XR80 - restarting - regularly

I purchased a 65in Bravia 8 TV (K-65XR80) in August 24.  I’ve been very happy with overall quality, functionality and responsiveness.


However, During that time (5 months) I’ve had approximately 5 Power Off/On (I.e. Restarts) while watching the TV. Two while streaming, Two while watching Blu-Ray player and once while simply on TV Home screen doing nothing!


I started to investigate (using System Uptime) to see if they were any restarts while not watching the TV – and there are.


Specifically, if the TV has an Uptime of over 26 hours (approx.) and then switched off by the remote (i.e. goes into standby), then 6 minutes later (actually 5m 55s) it performs a power restart and the Uptime goes to zero. If the Uptime is less than 26 hours it won’t power restart after going into standby.


The power restart is obvious – there are 2 “clicks” – one as the power goes off and another “click” when the power comes back on. Followed (20-30 secs)  by the power light briefly coming on at the front of the TV as the OS is loaded.


The above is predictable and reproducible! So potentially two problems – or the same problem manifesting in two ways?


At the moment, I’m concentrating on why it appears to “schedule” a power restart (power off/on) every time I power off (go into standby), when the uptime is greater than 26 hours!


I have tried a few things to see if it makes any difference:-

  • Removed all HDMI Connected equipment – only coax and Wi-Fi connected. Left for more than 26 hours.
  • Remove ALL connections (inc coax) disconnect from power socket for 2mins+
  • Use “Other” remote (IR remote rather than RF remote)
  • Cleared internal cached storage – several times.
  • This happens with both Version 112.627.030.1EUA and the latest from December -  Version 112.628.050.1EUA.
  • Ran all Diagnostics from Help screen – all OK.
  • The Power outlet is fine – same one I used for previous Bravia TV for 10 years with no issues.

None of the above makes any difference.


My last option will be a factory reset. I don’t want to do this yet due to the number of “apps” I need to configure, etc.


So, my question – does anyone have a Bravia 8 TV (I’m guessing size is not relevant, but who knows) that could look to see if they get restarts (power Off/On)  after using  “Power Off” from remote (i.e. standby) AND after an Uptime of 26hours?


Given the reproducible nature, I’m not sure if this is a “bug” or a “feature”. I don’t think it’s a fault as such. It does look like some obscure “logic” in the software (or firmware).



Community Team

@Likanmin Yes, I would go with contacting Sony before inspecting the TV for the repair to try to find a solution first.

Update – and partial conclusion, Apologies for length.

To re-cap the “issue” – Sony Bravia 8 TV - If the TV has an Uptime of more than 26 hours and then placed in to standby by pressing the “Power” button on the remote – then 5m 55s later the TV will reproducibly perform a “Restart” (i.e. Power Off/ Power On (indicated by 2 clicks) and reload of Operating System (indicated by central light briefly coming on)).


I have applied the latest February 2025 version of the Operating System (112.631.085.1) and the issue is still present.


See previous posts, Factory Reset and much else tried – no effect.


I have just approached the local store (chain in UK) where it was purchased from (last August).


They did not have a Bravia 8 TV in store, but did have a Bravia 9 on display.

The staff were happy to help and saw the Uptime of the Bravia 9 in store was just over 20 hours – immediately strange as they leave the power on overnight and the TV should have an Uptime of well over 24 hours. It was running the same software version as my Bravia 8. We could not test this “issue” without waiting for 6 hours! The TV would be put into standby at the end of the day (approx. 5pm when shop closes) with an Uptime of less than 26 hours – so it should not restart.

The next morning the Bravia 9 TV had an Uptime of 43 hours (as expected). The TV was then placed into standby by using the remote control “Off” button”. After 10 minutes, the TV was turned back on and the Uptime was now – only 10 minutes. It had restarted (Power Off/ON) having just been put into standby – but with an Uptime of over 26hours.

I have to conclude that this “Issue”/”Feature” is NOT only happening with my TV, but likely with most, if not all, Bravia 8 & 9 TVs. Albeit with a sample of 2 TVs that I’ve “tested”!

So, this seems to be a “feature” of Bravia TVs? If so, then the obvious question is “Why?” – I can guess a variety of answers, but it would be nice to know what the correct one is.


All the above started while looking at a handful of intermittent restarts while watching TV that were clearly annoying - I’m hoping the February update will help – time will tell.


But I would still like to hear from anyone that has a Bravia 8 or 9 to see if the get restarts (or not) as they power off at the end of the day (when the Uptime is 26hours or more). Morbid curiosity!

Uptime can be seen from “All settings” > “System” > “About” > “Status” > “Uptime”


These “scheduled” restart are a curiosity now rather than a significant problem with my TV.  I don’t see any point to pursue this any further!

Did the recent firmware fix your problem?




As in my post last week (26/2) .. the software upgrade (to 112.631.085.1) did NOT alter/fix the reproducible "restarts" after the TV has been up for more than 26 hours. This appears to be a "feature" on Bravia 8 and 9


The original problem I was also tracking was random Restarts while watching TV. On average, they happen once or twice a month. So far, after the above upgrade (19/2) I have seen none - but it may take a few months before I can be sure.
Community Team

Hi @Likanmin, since the TV is restarting itself while you're watching it and you've done all the troubleshooting steps, I'd go with an inspection and a repair service. If you're still in warranty, contact Sony to arrange an in warranty service. If you're out of warranty, use this link to locate the nearest authorised service centre to you: