Xg9505 HDD recordings lost


Xg9505 HDD recordings lost

Suddenly all the recordings from the HDD are gone. There is just some message saying you should attach usb cable and wait a minute but no luck. What could I do?


Accepted Solutions

Finally I managed to fix the recording issue. But it was something I certainly did not even think of doing. Here are the steps I did:


First I thought full factory reset would fix the issue. I did the reset, re-registered the HDD, but still the HDD would not be recognised when opened the Title List. Also could not start recording. Also right after the reset, I still would see the flooding of the errors in the logs, see previous post. So the situation was exactly the same like before the reset.


Then I looked again in the Title List, there is also a Recording Error List. It was full of errors, even though it was a new HDD (nothing was recorded ever to it) and the errors seemed to be from the previous HDD that I used. First thought would be, why do I see those errors after reset and switching to a new HDD??? This only Sony knows (hopefully). Well, I thought, I will delete all the errors from the error list. Then I re-registered the new HDD again and voila, no more problems. No errors and could record again. Also checked the system logging (adb) and the error flood is gone! I must say this behaviour is very strange and Sony should definitely look into this...

View solution in original post


Dd you lost the recording or, as it seems from the message you got, your tv does not recognize anymore the HDD?


The HDD was recognized, but it just would not show any titles.

I just did a full factory reset, and now I see all the recordings. So this problem is solved.


Unfortunately I got this problem back. Sometimes TV app becomes very unresponsive so that I have to reboot the TV. This happened just now and now the titles on the HDD are not visible again. This is very frustrating and I am not willing to do yet another factory reset.


I would say you have a problem with the HDD... which kind of HDD are you using?


It's a WD Elements 2TB HDD. And I don't believe it is the HDD, since the reset makes the problem go away... Something gets corrupted somewhere. Sony needs to fix the SW. It is unbelievable how much trouble I have had with this TV, I have to reboot the TV many times a day when it gets stuck or TV app stops working. Also could not export the channels to an external USB stick either after the reset, so had to rearrange the channels the hard way. Sony needs to fix the issues asap. Considering now to revert back to the Android 8 if possible..


2TB without its own power could be too much for the ampere your tv is able to give (0,9A)


I just bought a new 3TB HDD (with its own power supply). The same problem stays, I can register it as a new HDD, all looks good, TV says it is recognized, but when I press the title button, it says the HDD is not recognized. And cannot record anything. Do I need to do a factory reset again?


So now the problem seems different, since you cannot record anything...

don't you have a budget HDD (500GB or less) to try?


I activated developer options on the TV and looked at logcat what it outputs (filtered by *:E). It is getting flooded all the time by:


06-19 18:24:00.080  4267  5495 E HddM_RecHddService: RecordingHddServiceListener is null.

06-19 18:24:00.141  4267  5495 E HddM_RecHddService: RecordingHddServiceListener is null.

06-19 18:24:00.151  4267  5495 E HddM_RecHddService: RecordingHddServiceListener is null.

06-19 18:24:00.157  4267  5495 E HddM_RecHddService: RecordingHddServiceListener is null.

06-19 18:24:00.162  4267  5495 E HddM_RecHddService: RecordingHddServiceListener is null.

06-19 18:24:00.171  4267  5495 E HddM_RecHddService: RecordingHddServiceListener is null.

06-19 18:24:00.175  4267  5495 E HddM_RecHddService: RecordingHddServiceListener is null.

06-19 18:24:00.203  4267  5495 E HddM_RecHddService: RecordingHddServiceListener is null.

06-19 18:24:00.203  4267  5495 E HddM_RecHddService: RecordingHddServiceListener is null.

06-19 18:24:00.209  4267  5495 E HddM_RecHddService: RecordingHddServiceListener is null.

06-19 18:24:00.213  4267  5495 E HddM_RecHddService: RecordingHddServiceListener is null.

06-19 18:24:00.234  4267  5495 E HddM_RecHddService: RecordingHddServiceListener is null.

06-19 18:24:00.234  4267  5495 E HddM_RecHddService: RecordingHddServiceListener is null.

06-19 18:24:00.260  4267  5495 E HddM_RecHddService: RecordingHddServiceListener is null.

06-19 18:24:00.260  4267  5495 E HddM_RecHddService: RecordingHddServiceListener is null.

06-19 18:24:00.286  4267  5495 E HddM_RecHddService: RecordingHddServiceListener is null.

06-19 18:24:00.286  4267  5495 E HddM_RecHddService: RecordingHddServiceListener is null.

06-19 18:24:00.312  4267  5495 E HddM_RecHddService: RecordingHddServiceListener is null.

06-19 18:24:00.312  4267  5495 E HddM_RecHddService: RecordingHddServiceListener is null.

06-19 18:24:00.322  4267  5495 E HddM_RecHddService: RecordingHddServiceListener is null.

06-19 18:24:00.322  4267  5495 E HddM_RecHddService: RecordingHddServiceListener is null.

06-19 18:24:00.333  4267  5495 E HddM_RecHddService: RecordingHddServiceListener is null.

06-19 18:24:00.340  4267  5495 E HddM_RecHddService: RecordingHddServiceListener is null.



Then I look at pid 4267 which is com.sony.dtv.hddmgr. So this service is behaving very badly. Any ideas? I could not kill the process from adb shell...