Which old Handycam, please?


Which old Handycam, please?

Hi all, Can anyone of you experts out there help me please? I am looking to buy a S/H handycam with nightshot to fix to my airgun for filming night time pest control. One someone else has used is the HDR SR11e, but I don't need one that advanced, ie no HD for a start, although it is thought a solid state recorder is preferable so that the recoil of the rifle does not break the recording mechanism, tape and DVDs. (my airgun does not recoil anyway).

As there have been so many models produced over the last few years, does anyone know or can anyone point me to somewhere that explains what the various letters in the model numbers mean, if anything?

My only real criteria is that it is:

1) small enough and the right shape (a DCR PC9E is too tall and touches the wooden stock) and

2) the front lens hood has protrude enough to enable it to be connected by a made-up tube to the rear of the telecopic sight

Long recording time is not a great issue and overall quality will not be brilliant anyway due to the night-time usage. I will be using a separate IR illuminator as this seems to be the limiting factor on this setup, the cameras are descibed as being better than a GEN1 night vision scope (the cheapest design) and with good illumination as good as GEN2 model.

This is not a spoof - these nightshot cameras really do the stuff, they are cheaper that N/V 'scopes but it's just that there are so many of them!

If you can help please let me know.

Message was edited by: -charlie-


Really interesting idea!

The DCR-PC I would say is your best bet to be honest since second hand they are pretty cheap and their night shot is real good.

I know you have mentioned that height is an issue but I can assume that the image through the scope is going to be circular? When not mount the Handycam at a 90 degree angle or even upsdie down. Then in video editing, rotate it so it sits as it should. That way, not only do you get what you want but it should give you additional coverage with the IR light built into the Handycam as backup.

I would aim to stay away from the HDD ones since the recoil can cause unwanted reactions or possible damage to the disk platters in the long run.

Other than that, I really dont think I could think of a specific Handycam for your needs.

Hope that gives you a few ideas.


At last, someone alive out there, very many thanks for your reply.

Since this initial question I have been browsing the Sony "old models" site  and I think the one that might do the job best may be the DCR-SR190E - I think it will just about fit above the cheek-piece I just need to find someone with one to be able to ask them about the exact size and position of the lens outer diameter.

I had considered your suggestions about mounting it at 90 or 180 deg from the normal, but this puts the screen either on top or the other side of the rifle where I couldn't see it when aiming! Also, I presume the viewed image would be upside down (or @ 90 deg.) and would not be able to be altered while on the the gun, correct? If it could be altered, the 90 deg option would make a decision easier.

Thanks again
