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Vtuner not working


Vtuner not working


I have not been able to access vtuner since Friday 5th September, I reported it to sony yesterday and the reply was "Unfortunately, our systems are currently down for maintenance and will be up and running within 24 hours, Please feel free to contact us again at that time.". 

Has anyone else not been able to access vtuner for 4days, it seems that being reliant on just one internet radio supplier may be like putting all of your eggs in one basket.

Having not had the internet radio service for 4 days I feel this is unacceptable, does anyone feel the same?

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Spam their facebook website under all new producuts.

If this won't be resolved soon I will send email to BBC Watchdog which track and shame such issues.


Not sure SONY wants such advertising.


Why oh why won't Sony change their internet service provider!!! I have had a roberts radio WM-202 for 3 years now which uses and it works flawleslly! You can even build your own page and go to your receiver to find it listed with all your favorite stations including the BBC's listen again service. It also tracks stations if they change their connection details unlike vTuner which I have to say is truly awful! I have been onto Sony about this and its like talking to a brick wall!! Try a Roberts Radio and you will see what internet radio should be like. Plese pleas Sony change your provider or give us the option to change it ourselves.

Thanks for the info about Frontier Silicon. In their text they say that also Sony radios use their service. I wonder which model.

Frontier Silicone's service is actually supplied by vTuner! Ironic or what!?

Called them again yesterday. No change of approach on Sony's part. Apologies, engineers working on the issue (clearly not very good engineers as we are into the third week of head scratching). I emphasised time and again that we are sick of no updates on their well hidden advice page. Also mentioned it was unhelpful that on the parent page of SEN, there is no mention of the problem at all, and they still advertise it as a product feature.


During this the person mentioned she could also see my complaint to customer relations (basically saying their support and communication are woeful) I found myself thinking how strange it was that their support and complaints systems seem well integrated, but little else when it comes to communicating.


It seems clear to me this is a conspiracy of silence and they hope to wear us down that way.

So, keep up the pressure. Spread the word, post your experiences here, and keep calling them, along with lobbying your retailer. My main worry is the reputation of their support people. It doesn't take long to find how poorly their overall ratings are.

Yesterday I received an email from Sony UK's Head of Country, John Anderson, apologising for the inconvenience (!) and that he was checking my case with the customer services team. It's only taken him a week to reply but I wonder if he is now responding because I forwarded my email to him to Sony's CEO in Japan?


It'll be interesting to see if he comes back with the truth!


Had a phone call yesterday from Sony Australia's Customer Relations Group. In a candid conversation the representative basically told me that they didn't know what was going on and that he had never experienced a situation like this during his career with Sony. He had elevated the problem to Japan to try and determine what was happening and when it would be fixed.


They have offered me an additional 12 months warranty and also a store credit if desired, but like I said it's not the equipment that has a problem, it is the service. I don't really want to return my CMT-MX750Ni as it's a great little piece of kit; I just want it to work as it did.


Even if Sony declined to disclose the cause of the issue but gave everybody an end date by which it would be fixed, that would be something. But to treat us all like mushrooms is doing untold harm to Sony's reputation.


I guess I just watch and wait for a few more days to see what develops.

Being a 'mushroom' and having endured some 'bull****' during this Vtuner
debacle, I am, regardless of what various Sony employees 'automatons' tell
us, that there is an internal discussion, dare I say, argument, going on
between Sony and Vtuner re 'cost of service to Sony or Vtuner not accepting
Sony's offer or similar' or that Sony being a large corporation with music
links perhaps making a bid to take over the Vtuner service under there own
umbrella! Just a theory!

Let's be honest, for a company of this size to still be "investigating" has to be a crock.

if they don't know the cause by now, if it is indeed a technical issue, then I have very little confidence they will ever fix it. They can hardly blame us for thinking that way in view of the incredibly bad communications and stories we've been told. My escalation of a poor support issue into one of overall shoddy customer service has not provoked any direct response either. Doubly damning.


I've had further discussions elsewhere and it's now almost certain the 1040 I'd grown to enjoy is going back in the next week. Fortunately I've been speaking to a retailer that actually understands the value of good customer service. If that all works out I'll certainly make my appreciation felt.


I am in the same boat i bought the cmt 750 the day this happened .i contacted the retailer i bought it from he will accept it back but i must pay the postage as it is not a fault in the hifi its a servicer problem what a load of balls.It was advertised as having internet radio then it should have it very i am holding out for another while to see ifsony return the service if not it goes back.everyone seems to be very quiet.anymore news about this issue anyone.