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Vtuner not working


Vtuner not working


I have not been able to access vtuner since Friday 5th September, I reported it to sony yesterday and the reply was "Unfortunately, our systems are currently down for maintenance and will be up and running within 24 hours, Please feel free to contact us again at that time.". 

Has anyone else not been able to access vtuner for 4days, it seems that being reliant on just one internet radio supplier may be like putting all of your eggs in one basket.

Having not had the internet radio service for 4 days I feel this is unacceptable, does anyone feel the same?

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The problem is existing only in Europe.

It works everywhere else, it means it is not a technical problem. I guess it is a money problem between vtuner and sony. But it shouldn't impact on sony's customers.

Sony sells products described as compatible with vtuner (and only with vtuner!). If it doesn't work, Sony must refund their customers. It is as simple as that.


I hope we'll start soon a collective lawsuit in France.


I've returned my cmt-700ni today.

After almost a month waiting for any solution i'm done with it.

I bought the device 1.5 year ago mainly for the Internet Radio and the function isn't available now for a month!

So, Sony is fully responsable for that fact beacuse the device is made by Sony. (although they fingerpoint to vTuner, i still have a Sony device and NOT a vTuner device. For our customers, Sony is not taking responsablility)


Hopefully they learn from this and will bring tuners with more then 1 Internet radio service provider in the future.

Or better a portal where you can configure this things which is connected to your device.


For now I hope i get my refund fast so i can buy another device which has Internet radio like it should be.

Ofcourse that device will certainly not be a Sony device.

I've just had another email and voicemail telling me that they are aware of the problem and are working on it!!!


I've replied to email telling Sony to arrange collection of my CMT-SBT300WB and arrange a refund/compensation has it is not fit for purpose!


PS I read elsewhere in the thread someone wrote it only affected European customers? Not so as there have been posts from all around the world with the problem in the Facebook group.

I read that but as I believe it is a financial dispute between Sony and
Vtuner this will be worldwide! Vtuner available on other platforms so down
to Sony either trying to be the big bully or wanting to have there own
similar network or a buy out! If they really cared about us, the end user,
they would have provided an alternative source of access by now?

I informed the vendor of my ampli-tuner that I should soon return the product that is still under waranty. They start to feel very uneasy with their stock on the shelves and the Xmass sales coming up...

I'm going to post on several hi-fi forum and social networks the Sony / SEN / VTuner story so that will make them a great commercial for Xmass. That will also help other potential customers to not get ripped off. Maybe other people reading this post could do the same ?


Best regards,




Edited by Drew - Personal details removed


Yes, that's is good, it maybe make them do something!
My comment on amazon (where I bought my radio), has been accepted


The lesson of this story is:
- Even if I always liked sony products, I'm not sure I'll buy again (or maybe, if they find a solution)
- I will never buy again a product based on only one service provider




I just spoke with Sony's Germany Customer Service. For what it is worth, they told me that they are working to get this vTuner issue resolved. I asked how much longer and he said that it might be tomorrow (1 October). I am not holding my breath waiting to see if this comes to pass or not.


The most disturbing part of this entire affair is that Sony has not come out and been pro-active to communicate facts and address the issue. By "sticking their head in the sand" they have severally damaged their image and reputation. Speaking as a long-time Sony customer, the next time I am shopping for consumer electronics you can be sure that my first consideration will be other brands.


As a number of you have speculated, this sure does appear to be some sort of commercial issue between vTuner and Sony. I sent vTuner an inquiry on their corporate web site last week with no response back. Although they do feature the Sony name and logo on several pages so it looks like they are still doing business together.


Right now I an just keeping my fingers crossed that a fix is (really) in the works.



As you already said: for what is worth....

The same answers you get all over Europe from Sony, but it seems now that this is an issue between Sony (Japan) and vTuner. I guess it has something todo with money/contracts or something like that.

It is certaintly not just a technical issue because imho it would be solved already by now.

I mean, this issue is already there now for almost a month!

It is just ridiculous...