Playing 3D bluray in 4K/2D on UBP-X800?

Playing 3D bluray in 4K/2D on UBP-X800?


Has anyone succeeded in playing back 3D bluray content in 4K/2D on UBP-X800 by as suggested in operating instrctions, page 20, by setting the [3D Output Setting] to [Off]: "Select this to display all content in 2D or to enjoy 4K output using 3D content." ?

I have spent a lot of time trying withot any success, although the X800 is connected directly to a 4K Sony TV (3D-capable 65X9005C). The player would not play the disc when the 3D Output Setting is [Off], displaying a message claiming that it is not connected to a 3D-capable TV set. The discs is playing without any problems in 3D when the setting is not Off.

I have asked Sony support for advice but they keep suggesting that I need a 4K 3D bluray for that operation which I believe to be incorrect since no such discs exist to my knowledge. Any recommendations would be appreciated.




aivarsony schrieb:


I have asked Sony support for advice but they keep suggesting that I need a 4K 3D bluray for that operation which I believe to be incorrect since no such discs exist to my knowledge. 

That is true, 4K-3D-BDs don't exist and probably never will, since 3D content is not being pushed as much as a few years ago.


Maybe it is only possible to play 3D discs, which are 3D and 2D disc combined (not all 3D movies are, you can see that by looking at the spec-sheet at the back of the box).


While some TVs can actually only give you one eyes 2D view as output, i doubt that is what they meant in the manual.


- Nic

Hi Nic,


Thanks for the comment. I would point out that when it says "3D + 2D" on the box, it means simply that there are two discs in that box - both a 3D version and a 2D version, I have several of these. Same when it says "4K + 3D" on the box - two separate discs inside.


I hope to get that 3D-to-4K conversion functionality working, latest 3D discs come wiht nice Dolby Atmos soundtracks.



Hi @aivarsony,


aivarsony schrieb:

Hi Nic,


Thanks for the comment. I would point out that when it says "3D + 2D" on the box, it means simply that there are two discs in that box - both a 3D version and a 2D version, I have several of these.

I know these and I too have plenty of them - yet these are not what I meant.


There are actual 3D+2D single disc versions out there (e.g. the recently released "VALERIAN").


I don't know how they've done it, yet it plays on a 2D-BD-Player.


I assume they developed a way to let the 2D-players "see" the left/right eye view as the 2D version of the movie.


- Nic

The wording "to enjoy 4K output using 3D content" still implies a conversion without mentioning of any special discs, just plain 3D, so it seems to me that at least the current firmware M36.R.0178 is not doing what was promised.

I hope that Sony cures that deficiency in the next firmware version.

With best of greetings of the Christmas/New Year season to all,
