RDRHXD870. "D---" code problem.


RDRHXD870. "D---" code problem.

Hi, I have a problem with my rdrhxd870. The code D--- is on the display and I can't watch any TV. As far as the manual tells me, this is the parental lock? I have tried resetting the password, but how exactly do I enter the password at the "D---" display, the password is four digits and there is only space for 3 digits after the "D".

None of this s clear in the manual. I have also tried resetting the machine by holding the stop button and switching off.

Hope someone can help, the only way I can watch tv is by doing a new channel search each time I switch on, and this is rather annoying to have to do each time I switch on, once switched off and back on again, the "D---" display appears again.

Many thanks


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This problem has nothing to do with parental lock,it's a firmware fault regarding the management of Digital channel when they become too much after the switch off. Look at the support pages in this site for downloading the latest firmware (1.70) and follow the instructions in order to install it http://support.sony-europe.com/tvhc/downloads/downloads.aspx?site=odw_en_GB&f=FW_DVDR_1.70&m=RDR-HXD....

Afterword I suggest to follow also the procedure enlisted in this thread https://www.sony.it/discussions/thread/122288  since also the 1.70 fw has some bugs and require a reset of the machine from time to time to work.



Thanks very much for your reply which was very concise and helpful, I will look at this over the course of my evenings this week and let you know how I get on.

kind regards



Many thanks, I have successfully downloaded the firmware update and installed it, and it is now working perfectly. I hope this is helpful to other people with the same problem.

It may be worth noting to mac users to drag the file icon straight onto to into the blank disc window to burn the disc, and not by using 'Disk Utilities'. This is the only way that the disc will work properly in the machine in order for it to load.

Again, thanks for your help.

Kind regards.



You're welcome!

You are lucky that there is a solution now, when it happened two years ago in Italy we had to wait 2 months before having the fix available, but now it's ok and it is a very good machine (i'm just sorry for the guideplus lost).

Be aware that sometimes (to me just once in 2 years) happen that the recorder get stuck for hours with the indication "update" in the display; in that case you have to go through the same reset procedure and it is fixed.



I have this same problem. I have been in touch with Sony and they sent me a disc with the firmware on it. I followed the instructions supplied up to the point where the software is supposed to be loaded. At this point the machine refused to go any further. It loses its channel immediately you turn it off. So to use it or record anything you have to retune it every time.  ANy clues anyone why my machine won't upload the update?


Try to check it better if your software is already updated to version 1.70 and than recreate your own CD downloading the firmware from the support site http://www.sony.it/support/it/product/RDR-HXD870/downloads/FW_DVDR_170 (this is the italian link, but you can find also the english version in www.sony.uk.co). Once you have done it, you should reset the machine to make it work.



This is my problem. I can't get the machine to load the version 1.70. I put the CD supplied by Sony with version 1.70 into the tray, press REC-STOP and PLAY as instructed, the disc tray closes automatically as expected, LOAD appears in the display area, then it disappears leaving the either D--- or D001 depanding on whether you have it retuned or not before you try to update the software.

I read one of your earlier replies to another member i which you suggested resetting the machine to the factory settings. I therefore reset the machine by pressing STOP together with the ON/OFF button. I then unplugged the machine for an hour before going through the easy set-up routine which I did when I first bought it. This cured the machine for about 5 days but disappointingly the cure didn't last. This was an improvement though because prior to that the channels were lost immediately whenever the machine was turned off.

The whole business is bizarre because appart from losing its channels and having to be retuned the machine works perfectly and has done since the day I bought it about 3 years ago.

Any more suggestions as to what I might try would be welcome.



You have to install version 1.70 to have it works with all the channel after the digital switch off. Seems like the CD you received is not working, try creating one by yourself dowloading the fw from the support site.

If your recorder has not problem in reading CD/DVD there is no reason why it should not load the fw.


Please can you help me too


Please can you help. HXD890 DVD hard drive recorder  problem D---.

It looses channels. We rang Sony who sent a 1.24 fix cd disc. This has stil not cured the problem.

All instructions carefully followed.  DISC - DWLD appears  then it stops and comes up with the time and D---. Again. Nothing happens after this - the drawer does not open either as per instruction.