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My Xperia T2 has suddenly been turning into switching off mode. Then the standards option of power off, restart and screen shot comes in and stops operating.
Hi @anil_k_prasad, I'm sorry to hear about this.
I recommend that you try starting your device in safe mode and see if this still happens. You can also try removing your SIM card and/or SD card temporarily. If this behaviour remains however, I recommend that you perform a software repair using Xperia Companion.
Please let me know if you have any additional questions about this.
اثناء الدخول في التطبيقات تقوم T2 باعادة تشغيل البرامج من جديد مثل الفيس بوك والوتس واليوتيوب والمكالمات
تم عمل ضبط مصنع ولا زالت المشكلة مستمرة
ارجو الافادة
As you enter applications, T2 re-runs programs such as Facebook, Lotus, YouTube and calls
Factory settings were done and the problem is still ongoing
Please report