pics in question.
*(the photos are taken from other threads)*
If the photos didn't show up this what I meant
Screen 1 :white triangle with spanner & screwdriver and a blue prograss bar under it.
Screen 2 : yellow triangle with exclamation mark and a phone behind it.
I read somewhere that this sgin mean that the system is trying to fix itself and I should leave it connected to a wall charger for 24h than it will work... Well I tried for a whole day and it didn't work.
I tried all the "press and hold buttons" tricks and they did it work.
I also tried to connect the phone to my pc to repair it using Sony Xperia™ Companion but the computer couldn't delect the device I guess it's because it has a password on and I need to unlock it first but I can't.... is there any chance to fix it? Or can I force a factory reset on it so the password go away and I can get it to connect to pc? (I remember all my Gmail account information)