Xperia ion hard bricked


Xperia ion hard bricked


I need help with my xperia ion lt28h..

After installing a .zip (Smooth ion) through CWM Recovery, my phone restarted n booted up normally to the lock screen. After i unlocked the screen, it went blank so I pressed the power button and the normal power off button (and some others) appears, so i power off the phone and it went to a boot loop.

I tried pressing the Volume up + power button and connecting it to flashtool by pressing the volume down button and inserting the usbto flash a new firmware but nothing appeared on flashtool Slightly_frowning_Face

I tried the Volume up + power button again and again and still nothing.. I then pressed Volume up + power button again but longer and received 2 or 3 vibrations (i can't remember) and now the phone is just Dead. No Screen,No LED light, nothing :'( 

I tried charging it for 2+ hours and tried connecting it to my pc to see if it does anything but apparently nothing happens.

Somebody please help me :'( This is my only phone and I have no other Slightly_frowning_Face

Xperia ion LT28h

Firmware: 6.0.F.0.72 (LT28i 's Firmware)

Bootloader: Unlocked

And Rooted with Busybox installed

I know this is not the exact place to ask for help, but i'm really desperate Slightly_frowning_Face


pheww, that'a relieve .. I hope it becomes green soon since i've been charging it since 9 in the morning xD

oh no! i tried switching it on for 2-3 times, will it affect the process? Slightly_frowning_Face


Update: After 25+ hours of waiting - My phone is still charging - Red LED light has disappeared!

I will follow this post which tells me to flash the software when the Red light is Off..

Will update here again whether the flashing is successful Slightly_smiling_Face


oyhens yeah, flash it now.

It must have charged enough.


it's not flashing Slightly_frowning_Face

i'm currently holding the volume down button with the usb in n fashmode dialog still on my computer


Its flashing now! yay!! :smileygrin:

Had to hold the volume down button for exactly 6 minutes then the flashing started! Slightly_smiling_Face


Flashing ended, currently charging the phone and hoping the phone could boot up after an hour or two Slightly_smiling_Face

Anyway, this is rather early but thank you so much for guiding me through! Slightly_smiling_Face


I think you should just try switching it on now. Your phone is still in flashmode and to end it , you need to press and hold the power button.

No problem, I'm just waiting for the final results.


It automatically on-ed by itself :smileygrin:

yay! Thank you once again Nabeel!! Slightly_smiling_Face

Full Guide:

  1. Let the phone charge for 4+ hrs on wall charger (No LED).
  2. After 4-6 hours, Red LED should appear flashing. After a few hours, Red LED should be constant. Continue charging for 25+ hours on wall charger until Red LED disappears or turns Green.
  3. Unplug from wall charger
  4. Run flashtool from PC, flash a stable firmware. Do not plug in phone to PC until it asks to.
  5. While holding volume down, plug in USB - May take up to 10 minutes for the phone to be connected and flashing to begin
  6. Green LED will appear and after a few seconds - flash will run.
  7. Unplug USB and Charge with wall charger.
  8. Phone should be back up and running. Slightly_smiling_Face

I will do this, I have my lt28at hard bricked  update the telephone goes off and don't start never, just when charging the red light flashing after half hour is contant, after screen coming on in the sony logo on and off but only charge for 9 hrs, you have a video to flashing do?


Hey nabeel can you help with my ION .

As it is not turning ON after long charging. Even when i am trying to flash it , at the end it says for flashing your device must be checked in with USB debugging, bt the problem is that my ION is not turing ON so , how can I check USB debugging in settings?