xperia s hard brick please help :(


xperia s hard brick please help :(

please help i think my xperia s is dead after updating in sony pc companion .. my xperia doesnt respond to any button combinations no vibrates on hard reset no led whatsoever in any color while plugged or unplugged .. and doesnt get warm when i connect it to my wall charger for how many minutes T^T i dont know what to do .. sorry for my bad english .. thanks in advance ..


Accepted Solutions

Anchobies I'll explain you

A phone is updated when it's in flashmode.

Sometime when the update procedure comepletes , device stucks in flashmode and couldn't be charged or switched on.

To deal with it, we need to take out the battery and reinsert it. Sometimes, we need another fully charged battery to kick start the device.

There are ways given on youtube through which you could successfully remove the battery of Xperia S but remember, you risk voiding your warranty. Moreover removing the battery may not be the solution

Feel free please Slightly_smiling_Face

View solution in original post



Backup everything as it will erase all data on phone (sms, contacts,apps)

Update/Repair your phone via PCC or SUS

PCC (PC COMPANION) – Repair your software with this .First do the setup without connecting your mobile to pc.(only connect when you are asked to).

Do it as follow >> PCC > SUPPORT ZONE> SOFTWARE UPDATE> REPAIR SOFTWARE (written with blue) 

PC Companion

SUS ( Sony Update Service)  ... download and install it on pc and follow the on-screen instructions



sad to say my fone cant be detected by PCC or SUS .. ive tried them both but didnt help me .. im worried about my phone doesnt warm up when charging .. thanks for the respond though .. T^T


Was the update successfull before your phone went off ?

Or the update process broke up in between ?

You said you tried combo of keys, did you do it for 10 seconds ?

Press and hold Power Button and Volume Up button at the same time for 10 Seconds


the update finished and my phone supposed to reboot but i just get one vibrate and after that it doesnt open up .. yes ive tried that for 10 secs and even more afterwards and i dun get any vibrates .. even for holding it for a minute T^T


Looks like another one going back for repair, mine has been back 3 times Thinking_Face


Anchobies Unfortuantely, there's nothing more left for you to do. Please take it to Sony service center, they should help you with that .

Most probably the battery needs to be taken out and reinserted again. But you can't do that yourself


do you mean send my phone to se repair center ? and yours have been there for 3 times ? man i guess thats the best thing to do ..


thanks for the time guys .. i dont think i have any chance fixing this myself .. but last question out of curiousity .. if ive taken out my battery .. is there any chance that can i get my phone running again ? any symptoms or clues if it would run/boot again .. sorry for being persistent .. i just need 2nd opinions and i think you guys helped me decide what to do ..


Anchobies I'll explain you

A phone is updated when it's in flashmode.

Sometime when the update procedure comepletes , device stucks in flashmode and couldn't be charged or switched on.

To deal with it, we need to take out the battery and reinsert it. Sometimes, we need another fully charged battery to kick start the device.

There are ways given on youtube through which you could successfully remove the battery of Xperia S but remember, you risk voiding your warranty. Moreover removing the battery may not be the solution

Feel free please Slightly_smiling_Face