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KDL32EX401- AV HDMI labels

KDL32EX401- AV HDMI labels

I can't customerize the HDMI labels (Sky, Xbox etc..)- help!

Also I'd like the default input to be a HDMI input when the TV is switched on- can this be done?

Step by step help needed!  

Not applicable

Hi there


I believe you can change the name of the HDMI sources on your TV.  There is a setting called AV Preset (Page 28 of the manual : HERE).


AV Preset.jpg


However I dont think its possible to have a set HDMI input selected upon switching on the TV.  If your device is compatible with HDMI-CEC features, then ensure that its switched on in the devices settings, as well as Bravia Sync on the TV AND set Auto TV on to ON. 


Then when you switch that device on, the TV will automatically switch on and turn to the correct HDMI input.

