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KDL-50W805C - Android ate my telly

So I've had the TV since Christmas.  Had the random reboots, non responsive remote control, laggy TV menus... ETC ETC ETC


The TV updated to the latest firmware earlier this month and it appeared to fix a few things.


Today, I have a really really annoying issue which I suspect is Andriod software related.


My wonderful TV is locked onto HDMI4, the remote control is only able to turn the TV on, and to add insult to injury the buttons on the rear of the unit do not work either.


I cannot turn the TV off (without pulling the power), cannot hard reset (holding the power button on the rear), cannot change inputs or access the menus.


I thought I would reflash the firmware via USB but the TV says "You have the latest software, remove the USB and press OK"........


Does anyone know a way to hard reset or force flash this TV before it goes out of the window ?




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