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KDL-50W805C Marshmallow update issues; Youtube and Info banner - brand new bugs!

As expected, the Marshmallow update brought....


new issues...


1. Youtube bug + Daydream


You''re watching a video and you pause it...

Wait 5 minutes (daydream has to be be 5 minutes too) --

daydream goes into action,

get out of daydream - video is not paused anymore,

actually, you're out of the video frame you were watching entirely.

( you can see the youtube app getting out -- or rather being shut out

of the paused mode -- as the daydream comes online).


2. Info banner on TV mode.


Turn on tv, you soon find out that you have, not only one, but two separated

info banner(S) -- one on top of the other. One seems to be the older one.

What to say? simply a huge, huge, huge, bug -- and proof that they don't even use

this tv before releasing these things.


Please moderators, direct my bugs to Sony and put them on the list of bugs for Marshmallow.

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