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KDL32WE613 info banner nuisance

When using a Humax Freesat box connected to HDMI 1 as the signal source for the TV I get the info banner (a wide black stripe across the top of the screen with a few bits of information on it) every time I change channel on the Freesat box. 

On some channels, the banner appears when the program goes to adverts and also when it returns from adverts.  The banner stays for about 4-5 seconds each time and blots out the channel number display from the Freesat box - very annoying when clicking through channels. 

Other posts for different TVs suggest using the Channel Settings option on the TV to turn off the info bar.  No such setting exists on the KDL32WE613 - unless it's buried somewhere I have yet to find, but I have trawled through many, many setting screens. 

It appears to be a software omission or error not to have included an on/off option for this feature.  Any advice would be most welcome.

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