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49XE8396 Audio Lag


Just aquired a KDXE8396 and experiencing problems with audio lag. I note that there are several posts here and elsewhere on the internet reporting similer problems with a range of Sony TVs.
I have connected my SKYHD box to the TV (HDMI) and then optical out from TV to my dated (but fully servicable) Sony DAV-DZ260 sound system.

All works fine, Bravia sync and so-on BUT the sound lags the picture by a noticable (most annoying) amount.

In terms of AV settings the Sky box does provide for Audio delay - but, of course, this just makes matters worse as the sound is already lagging the picture.

Have read possible solutions on here and internet (Bravia Sync off, latest S/W update etc) but to no avail.
Most dissapointing and to make system usable I have had to reconfigure to old setting of connecting optical out from Sky box directly to Sound System. This works fine but, of course, I can now only use sound system with Sky and have to revert to TV speakers for digital TV, Sony Playstation or online services.
Are Sony looking into this? Does anybody have any thoughts/resolution?

Many thanks



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