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ARC Connection between X94J and LG SH5 Soundbar

I bought this new 55 inch X94J last November and tried to connect it with my LG SH5 soundbar. However, the connection between the two is very unstable. Despite the fact that the soundbar is connected to the TV using a high-quality HDMI cable (HDMI 3), the TV does not detect it and sends OPT signal to the soundbar instead of ARC or HDMI. However, it is possible to get sound through the LG soundbar but to enable that I have to go to Settings -- Display & Sound  - Audio output and turn Audio System Prioritation off and on once. It works seamlessly until the TV is switched off. In fact, when using the External Input settings, the TV shows that it is connected to the LG Soundbar, however, it cannot detect the HDMI connection and defaults the Input to OPT which is annoying as there is no OPT cable connected to the TV or soundbar. I understand that OPT is the default connection on the TV hence, it is using that but it is beyond my understanding as to why can the TV not connect to the soundbar despite the fact that it can see it connected.   


I have raised this with Sony Support and they have been absolutely useless, simply stating that it is a compatibility issue, which I cannot understand as the soundbar clearly works with the TV if we fiddle with the prioritisation setting every time!


Has anyone else experienced this? Any suggestions for how to go about fixing this issue?



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