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Lack of sound and metallic audio (doesn't understand what i say) occasionally when i talk to somebody. This happens for under 20-30 seconds max and its randomly.
Does anybody have the same problem? I tested every time my mic immediately when it happens and it works just fine. I tried to talk even in Wathsapp after and no problem there with the mic and audio.
Maybe its a network problem?
Either your provider or the one you talk with.
Is music reproduction ok.?
Yes, the music reproduction is ok. Everything is ok. Except that thing that it happens randomly for seconds. The other person doesn't hear me, just nothing but a metalic sound. I tested the mic over and over again the seconds when that happens and it looks good. I think its a network problem. The strange thing is that i have another new mobile Xperia M4 Aqua bought from the same carrier Vodafone and it has the same problem. Maybe its a general thing.
Time to contact Vodafone (about your router maybe?)
You could try behaviour @neighbours.
If sound is OK @neigbours then it is your router, if not it's your provider.
My router is working fine, i dont have wifi or data mobile problems. I think its a network problem because i have 2 different new Xperia mobile and both have this little bugging problem with the sound for couple of seconds, the other person doesnt hear me and hears an indescifrable metallic sound. Maybe i should try to change the carrier to see how it goes on Telekom.