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Yellow-green light at night with flash photography


Yellow-green light at night with flash photography

При фотосъемке ночью при включеной вспышке справа на всех фотографиях засвет желто -зеленого цвета полосой через весь дисплей... 

Помогите решить проблему у кого была или есть такова 

When photographing at night with the flash on the right in all photos, the yellow-green color is illuminated through the entire display ...

Help solve the problem who was or is this



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Это такой телефон,он еще и греется как ядерный реактор и вырубается при сьемке видео и при тяжелых игрушках, 80 процентов таких телефонов идут с браком модуля камеры и системы охлаждения ,браком в глазах пользователя ,как правило сони и сервисные центры эти проблемы не признают,так что лущий способ юежать поскорее в магазин и менять это творение недофлагмана со дна на нормальную трубку от Nokia, Huawei или уже доплотить и взяnь XZ1,но я б не рисковал)

It's such a phone, it's also heated as a nuclear reactor and cut down when shooting video and heavy toys, 80 percent of these phones come with the marriage of the camera module and cooling system, marriage in the eyes of the user, usually Sony and service centers do not recognize these problems, so that the lucent way to move quickly to the store and change this creation of the nedoplagman from the bottom to a normal handset from Nokia, Huawei, or already to embody and take XZ1, but I would not risk)


You seem to have decided what you want.:smileyhappy:

This flare has something to do with backlight.

I have found reports on the internet about Pixel phones having it and iPhones having a green dot.

It can be undone by reading Sony manual how to avoid it.

The heat you mention is a problem really related to your phone.

You can avoid it in settings in camera by taking video with the standard setting of 30fps.

And yes, you're right it is a design problem of your phone.


Remove the back cover of your phone and clear the camera lens with cloth and then try clicking photo. And also make sure you don't have your fingers near th camera... 


Cool story bro  .


Ahaha  im abs sure that this man bouth this phone in hope to not have any defects and  problems with soft that u can find  in  Chinese smartphones .But in fact he cant do any good photos at night,  shoot long videos, and i suppose cant use it at summer  in hot weather.And he bought it in 2018  for 250$ Xd Do u think its ok?


Спасибо за столь стоящий ответ проблемы с этим телефоном ведь далеко не у всех пользователей. Брак бывает и в дорогих моделях.... 

А если ты просто решил поумничать то впреть попрошу игнорировать такие посты.... 

Пользы мало

Thank you for such a worthy answer to the problem with this phone because not all users. Marriage also happens in expensive models ....

And if you just decided to puumnichat then vpret ask me to ignore such posts ....

Benefits are few



А я и дал вам 1 единственый адекватный совет.Был у друга такой телефон такая же фигня была в нем со вспышкой,это брак чистой воды.Телефон был абсолютно новый.Отдал в так называемый авт .СЦ .Там написали является особенностью телефона ,ремонт по техническим возм.не возможен.В итоге хоть продавец адекватный попался деньги вернули.Со вспышкой не знаю,но нагрев камеры и процессора это уже проблема 3 годичной давности на которую сони просто забили.

And I gave you the only one adequate advice. There was a friend of such a phone the same garbage was in it with a flash, it's a marriage of pure water. The phone was absolutely new. I gave it away to the so-called autor. SC. They wrote it is a feature of the phone, technical possible. In the end, although the seller was adequately caught by the money returned. With the flash I do not know, but the heating of the camera and the processor is already a problem 3 years ago on which the Sony simply scored.