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A77 firmware 1.05 or even 2.0 - any hints?


A77 firmware 1.05 or even 2.0 - any hints?

I was just wondering if there is any hint of a firmware update for the a77 beyond 1.04.   There have been quite a few glitches found and suggestions for improvement but as yet there has been no firm response indicating that we can expect an update.

Is there any chance of Sony confirming or denying any plans for an update? Perhaps even a rough timescale?



Explorer wrote:

worinke wrote:

A77 sensor noise is at least one stop above A850!

True, and not surprising. The A850 is a full-frame camera, while the A77 is APS-C (DX) format. If your primary reason for shooting is to achieve noise-free images, you should choose full-frame over APS-C.

This is because APS-C pixel density needs to be roughly 50% higher to give the same size file. The greater the pixel density, the smaller each pixel must be. As smaller pixels collect less light, they have to work that much harder to combat noise.

I'm afraid this is a basic law of physics that no firmware update will ever change


Hi Mick,

hmm this is not what I ment. Sorry for my unprecise statement. I ment with "above" not worth, but better than the A850. This was surprising to me but I assume this is related to the sensor development and improvements.

I dont agree to your "roughly estimate" . New sensor developments of Sony and already announced new sensor products proove the opposite. Look at recent announcment and descriptions of the Sony sensor department: the new back illuminated sensor for P&S cameras and handies has a reduced pixelsize by 30% thus leading to 18MPix on the same surface, but an INCREASE by 3% in sensor space itself. (source: and here for more details.

What I meant in my original post is, that for the same amount of noise in IQ on A850 at 3600ISO, I have to increase the ISO on A77 up to 6400.

So from my point of view, the A77 sensor is better than the A850/A900 sensor (+ electronics and post processing in the camera) and an upcoming A99 will top the A77, especially when Sony start using the new color filter arry or pixel alignment like in the Sony-F65 video cam.

And of course this has nothing to do with a firmware update. But the denoising algorithms in the current A77 FW could be improoved to show the same quality like in other Sony DSLR/SLT models. This is plain firmware. So the JPG engine (a part of the firmware could be tuned or improoved by FW 2.0 or other futer versions :wink: )


Hi Wolfram

Good to hear you've had such positive results with your a77. You're right, each new generation brings a lot of technological improvements and comparing 'old' APS-C technology with the a77's sensor is probably a little unfair.

However it is still true that FF will always beat APS-C, given equivalent technology. I think we'll see new cameras in the very near future that won't push up the 24MP filesize, they'll simply utilise full-frame alongside new technology to improve image quality. The main reason for that will be the increased sensor size over APS-C cameras like the A77. All other things being equal, when it comes sensor noise, bigger will always be better :slight_smile:

Future camera design may well bring improved JPEG processing performance, but I have my doubts as to whether firmware updates will provide any radical performance upgrades. After all, making new products is the primary way camera manufacturers make real improvements, or they would never make any money...



Amateur Photographer magazine have compared the A77 and 5D MKII.

The A77 100 ISO is better at detail and DR than the 5D MKII.  Upto 800 ISO the A77 sensor has better IQ than the 5D MKII.  They said that if you don't need shallow DOF or high ISO, then the 5D MKII has little benefit.

My a77 is dream up to 1600 ISO and beyond 3200 it a scream with LR3.


Hi ppl.I read on the net that 1.05 is the last firmware update for a77.They will release a99 or b99.Where we can claim that we paid so much and they give us some test products and on the end release new product.This is unfear.I will but all my lens,cameras,filters ect on ebay if this is last update.Canon 600d kit - 500 pounds shoot tethered and we still pleasing sony for basic fuctions and errors they make and fix??!?!?:smileyconfused:

I love the body but iso noise is unaceptable for this price.fuctions limited.Some compact cameras have better software that this cheap test,sientific product.For shure they dont read here,they dont care about what we won.Please if any one have idea how to take they attention to fix not to make it better of the competitors (because abviusly i make a mistake all this years to spend my money in sony) just fix let men now.gimp69 5d mark 2 its history my friend.Little better dosnt mean anything!This camera is history.Thank you.

Message edited for profanity

Message was edited by: Mick2011

I am also very dissapointed about the Sony product management handling the alpha DSLR/SLT product line.

I really dont understand, why Sony sticks on a "fire-and-forget" product policy unless it really hurts their image or business. Also the competition is making mistakes. Accepted, but they do have a clear strategy to handle this and they immediatly communicate to their customers about issues and describe clearly what this issues are.

I have never seen this with the Sony Alpha product line. The speak about it under disclosure to selected dealers about details of improvement or fixes. But the customer who paid a lot of mony for a A77 for example is left in the desert. :slight_frown: Why? This is not necessary and does not build up confidence in a product. All the complaints about the Alpha line is related to this behavior.

Many of the issues are plain software issues and I have the strong impression that I need to buzy the next model to get the software updates people asked for with a current product line. This currently hapens with to top models A65/A77. The new A57 has already a lot of improvements in the firmware, which is missing and people asked for now for 6 MONTH since release of the camera!!! The issues are not solved in these models but they fixed it in the next generation like A57 . WHY? Can anybody at Sony send me an explanation?

I am in the software engineering business and I know what I am talking about, when it comes to software maintanance. Many things people asked for are easy thing to realize, even if a big organisation has a more complex process to handle this, it should not last 6 MONTH! This can be done within a  month.

This is really one of the biggest issues with Sony equipment. I really entjoy the Sony Alpha hardware when it runs fixed and updated firmware! I am a Sony Alpha customer now since 2008 and currently use an A850 and A77. Before I had an A200, A700, A33 and a NEX3.

I hope somebody responible for this imaging division from Sony is reading the customer concerns and rething aboutn their strategy.

Thank you.

BTW: The A57 is really a great camera in its class, but it will be even better, when you start opening AF-adjustoments in the firmware menu. This really would make a lot of sense, as the firmware internally can handle up to 20 lenses. So there is really no reason, why this artificial limitation exist.

High ISO noise is only a problem if you don't know how to use RAW.  I guess you don't shoot RAW.

The A57 will not get AF adjust.  Sony, like Canon and Nikon, differentiate their products by function.  If they didn't then nobody would buy higher cost cameras.

I'm not sure watch you are trying to say at all, your comments make no sense whats so ever!  However you are wrong on one point it looks like the a77 will be getting another update in 2013.

I am sure Sony will be sorry to see you jump ship and the canon or Nikon forums will welcome your constructive comments.  Remember the grass always looks green on the other side of the fence ;-).
