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DSLT Alpha owners: What is the best thing about your camera?

DSLT Alpha owners: What is the best thing about your camera?

We’d love to hear from you on what you love most about your camera.  Maybe it’s the design or a specific feature of function. Whatever it is please do let us know what it is and what you like it.

Message was edited by: StartTheCar


The ability for the A55 to make my pictures look good even though i know very little about most of the settings :slight_smile:

The best thing with my a55 is the viewfinder. It is bright, easy to look through and has the right amount of info displayed without getting cluttered by too much info. I only use the LCD-panel to look at stored images.  I don't like taking photos with the panel, I feel the need to steady the camera with my forehead and nose - old habit. My old analog camera Minolta 9000 (It has worked flawlessly for 25 years without any service or repair!) is now retired. I think that Sonys cameras has the same ruggedness and build quality that the Minolta cameras had. I liked that I could keep my Minolta AF-lenses and use them without problem on the a55, that saved a lot of money.

Another a55 user and I have to say I'm glad I chose this as my first DSLR/T.  So easy to use, in both static and video mode, with superb results, only spoiled by my failure to remember everything I'd learned when using film. Love the 10 shot option especially when photographing fast moving subject, also the built in GPS.  No complaints about the recent upgrade either.

The best thing of the alpha system is that you can use every lenses with the anti-shake system of each kamera body.


Hi - I recently upgraded from the Alpha A300 to the Alpha A65.   I've also got the Nex C3.  :slight_smile:

With regard to the A65, there are a bunch of new features that I really like.  In no particular order, the ones that stand out most are:

- the camera feels solid and well built.

- the new position of the on/off switch - much better!

- the FPS - this is great at sporting events.

- the rear screen - I like the way you can flip it around to protect it but wish it would swivel in both directions!

- white balance - easy access via view finder, which makes it easier to make adjustments and see the effect immediately.

- finally, and most importantly, the camera feels great when I'm using it.

With regard to the Nex C3, I've been really pleased with it.   It's lightweight and easy to take on short business trips.  Again, here are some key factors:

- I like the design and the build feels solid.

- the programmable buttons on the rear make it easy to access frequently used functions.

- the picture quality is great and it seems to work well in low light settings.

- I like the colour filters - they allow you to do some fun but simple things without any post production.

Hope this is useful.


I have owned the A65 and currently have the A77 and A99.

Starting with the A65 it is a fantastic camera and I loved using it but when I attached my 70-400mm or 24-70mm lenses the combination felt front heavy.  My girlfriend not uses is with the 70-300mm G and it is an excellent combination.

My A77 has been a real work horse and a lot of fun and so easy to use and get the most from.  As most of my work is landscape or tripod based I never experienced the ISO issues that are reported in the many reviews and forums.  I found it a solid easy camera to use and would recommend one to anyone interested in a quality DSLR.  I found the EVF easy to use and lack of mirror slap compared to my A850 a pleasant surprise.

Since getting my A99 the A77 has taken to sitting on the shelf because the A99 is everything the A77 should have been.  The image quaility of the A99 is breath-taking and having used the A77 I found the A99 very easy to use.  The controls are responsive and easy to use and I like the fact that the program dial is locked until you press the button in the middle, nice touch.  The AF is very quick and so far found the subject first time and the information the camera presents via the EVF or rear display has depth and is very useful.

I am now going to sell my A77 as I am going FF completely so will end up with the A850 and A99, will I miss the A77, no because I have the A99 :smileyhappy:.

Thank you Sony for the A850, A99, 16-35mm ZA, 24-70ZA, 135mm ZA and 70-400mm G, I am one very happy photographer.
