Xperia ion hard bricked


Xperia ion hard bricked


I need help with my xperia ion lt28h..

After installing a .zip (Smooth ion) through CWM Recovery, my phone restarted n booted up normally to the lock screen. After i unlocked the screen, it went blank so I pressed the power button and the normal power off button (and some others) appears, so i power off the phone and it went to a boot loop.

I tried pressing the Volume up + power button and connecting it to flashtool by pressing the volume down button and inserting the usbto flash a new firmware but nothing appeared on flashtool Slightly_frowning_Face

I tried the Volume up + power button again and again and still nothing.. I then pressed Volume up + power button again but longer and received 2 or 3 vibrations (i can't remember) and now the phone is just Dead. No Screen,No LED light, nothing :'( 

I tried charging it for 2+ hours and tried connecting it to my pc to see if it does anything but apparently nothing happens.

Somebody please help me :'( This is my only phone and I have no other Slightly_frowning_Face

Xperia ion LT28h

Firmware: 6.0.F.0.72 (LT28i 's Firmware)

Bootloader: Unlocked

And Rooted with Busybox installed

I know this is not the exact place to ask for help, but i'm really desperate Slightly_frowning_Face


Since bootloader is unlocked, you can only use one of these to flash

Sony flashtool

Flashtool. ( you already tried )

Before using any of the software above, force shutdown your phone

Press and hold the power button + Volume Up button for

10 Seconds > ( 3 Vibrations ) Force shutdown

Now do not try to switch it on. Connect your mobile only when you're asked to.


Hi Nabeel,

Thanks for the reply. My phone is currently dead (no screen, no led even while charging) and nothing i do seems to do any pc cant even recognize it.


Another user had  a similar experience as yours.  It took more than 24 for the LED to show up when connected to charger. Unfortunately you can't do anything at the moment but to put it to charging for a long time to see how it goes.


This happened to me before.

Use this thread to recover your phone.


After charging for like 5+ hours my phone has a red led but it goes off after a few seconds and appear again after that.. What should I do now? Slightly_smiling_Face


Tried that but it seems to have no effect Slightly_frowning_Face


That red blinking shows that battery is low.

Well i checked about smooth ion.

I guess you didn't de-odex your firmware before flashing it. if it's true, then this is the only reason your phone got bricked.

Keep it connected to charger until it really starts charging

report everything here after that


yeap, i did not know how to deodex my rom and thought that it was not important, i guess i'm wrong Slightly_frowning_Face

The LED is currently a solid red one since 2 hours ago.. what should i do now? Slightly_smiling_Face

I then tried pressing the power button to see if if it can boot up, but nothing happened so i just left it as it is; charging.


That's a great sign.

Your mobile has started charging now, it's charging very slowly.

Now wait for the led to to become green ( it may take very long ). Once it turns green, we would be in a position to flash a firmware using flashtool.

So do that and post the results.

EDIT : Don't try switching it on.