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Android Oreo Issues on X Performance Dual SIM


Android Oreo Issues on X Performance Dual SIM

Hey there!

I’m using my Xperia X Performance Dual and I’ve come across a few problems since the Oreo update.

  1. First off, the circle around the dot on the home button. I believe this is a localization issue. I’ve tried adding English to my language list and the circle appears when it’s set as my top priority there (Pic 1). When I switch my priority back to my native language (Russian) the circle disappears (Pic 2). No changes in the settings. The assist app is enhanced Google services. My guess’d be that this is because Google Assistant doesn’t support Russian yet. I’m not sure if that’s the actual reason though.
  2. The ring and notification volume menu doesn’t work properly. When I switch from the sound mode (Pic 3) to the vibrate mode the volume level doesn’t go down as it should (Pic 4, red box). It says the same instead as if I had the sound mode toggled on. Despite this the volume level actually goes down to zero in Settings (Pic 4, green box) which is quite confusing I suppose.
  3. It seems like I can’t access my factory data reset and application problems info (Pic 5). It’s not available although I have the ‘Send usage info’ option ticked (Pic 6). It keeps saying I still have to enable usage info in Settings (Pic 7).
  4. The theme displayed incorrectly (Pic 8 and Pic 9). It’s the third time I’ve experienced this issue. The problem shows up now and then after I switch off the alarm. It goes normal when swiped. I think the possible reason is the updated clock app which has the same black background as the one on the Pic 9. I’ve never faced that before the Oreo update.
  5. There were also some minor issues. The first is a single crash and reboot when I switched the airplane mode on and off. It never occurred again. And the second one is related to troubles with charging the device. When I connected it to the power source there was no sound and despite the battery was charging I was still in the stamina mode and in Settings there was no estimated time for the charging to end. It happened a few times (the battery wasn’t depleted). As I can’t notice any pattern for these two problems I’m not sure if it has something to do with the update or if it is my device.

Anyway, I hope you’ll be able to fix it soon.

Pic 1Pic 1Pic 2Pic 2Pic 3Pic 3Pic 4Pic 4Pic 5Pic 5Pic 6Pic 6Pic 7Pic 7Pic 8Pic 8Pic 9Pic 9


Sony guys, I'd really appreciate if you could comment on the issues in the post. I'm particularly interested in three things:

  • firstly, whether it really is a common problem of the latest system update to Android 8.0 or it's my device only;
  • secondly, if that's a system update problem, when the patches are due;
  • and finally, if that's my device only, how can I fix these?



I have one Xperia X performance and a few days ago I get Oreo update. But after only 1-2 day use, I noticed a lot a problems. The first and biggest problem is the lagging. The phone working really slowly. Some times reacting time is more 15 sec. The second problem is the battery. Long time for charging and realy fast drayng. Also a few small bugs like: not option to set ringtone for SMS, the phone is realy warm after 5-10 min using. Maybe soon I will change to iPhone...


Hi! Sony Xperia Support Staff representatives I hope you've read the post. If not please do that.

I'm really sorry to have to remind about the issues I have but keeping me in the dark doesn't really seem to help me solve these. The latest update 41.3.A.2.24 didn't fix any of them.


Больше скажу с этим обновлением ещё больше всё лагает 

More I will say with this update, everything is still lagging



Great job, Sony officials. No comments, no replies, no solutions, no nothing for three weeks. Thanks a lot for your support. It’s been awesome. Nah, just kidding, it’s lame. I doubt such treatment of your customers will help you improve financial performance.


I've got the same problem. I even reset the phone, only to end up with the same issues. Can't we revert back to the previous version of Android? 


So slow that I move on to my wife's phone when I need to get something done! IPhone, can you imagine?